This article shows how to create a web service that returns multiple values from a database. Normally if we are creating a web service for ASP.NET then we generally return a data set with multiple return statements. But what if we need to consume a web service in PHP developed in .Net and using that web service we need to fetch records, it provides a SOAP client error in the PHP end. This is because of a serialization error. Now I will show you how to create a web service that might fetch Employee records or details and we can consume that Web Service in any programing language.
First let's create a database
Here I am using "Test" as the database and assume it has a table called "Employee" that contains basic fields related to employee information such as FirstName, LastName, Email, ContactNo, Address, State, City, and country.
![Database Table]()
Here is an employee table having basic fields where ID is auto incremented.
Now Create a Web Service
Step 1: Open Visual Studio, select website and then select ASP.NET webservice from the template and provide it the name "WebServiceDemo".
![Create a Web Service]()
Now remove all extra predefined code.
![remove all extra code]()
Use the following namespaces:
Now define a connection string object as in the following:
![Connection String object]()
Create class with data member and property for the number of parameters that you need as in the following:
Now create a method that returns List <EmployeeDetails> as in the following:
Now do as I do, here I have written a simple SQL query to read data from the Employee table then I have created an object of list<EmployeeDeatils> Plans= new list<EmployeeDeatils>.
Then create an object of SQL data reader class and use the Execute Reader method to execute the query:
SqlDataReader dr=cmd.ExecuteReader();
Now assign values to the property from the data reader as in the following:
while (dr.Read())
var Details = new EmplaoyeeDetails
ID = Convert.ToString(dr["ID"]),
FirstName = Convert.ToString(dr["FirstName"]),
LastName = Convert.ToString(dr["LastName"]),
Email = Convert.ToString(dr["Email"]),
Address = Convert.ToString(dr["Address"]),
Country = Convert.ToString(dr["Country"]),
State = Convert.ToString(dr["State"]),
City = Convert.ToString(dr["City"]),
ContactNo = Convert.ToString(dr["ContactNo"]),
Then close the connection and data reader.
And return the variable Plans to the list.
//Close Connection
return Plans;
Now you can consume this web service to any programming language, here I have resolved the issue of serialization and it will work properly.
Sorry for my bad English and grammatical mistakes.