This article demonstrates how to use the iTextSharp PDF Library to convert multiple text files into a single combined PDF file and also convert to individual PDF files with the same GUI.
About the classes used,
- The StreamReader class provides read access using a Stream such as for a Text File.
- The Document class allows the creation of a new PDF File.
- The PDFWriter class provides instantaneous access to write a PDF document from an object of the Document class.
Namespaces Required,
- System.IO,
- iTextSharp,
- iTextSharp.text,
- iTextSharp.text.pdf,
- iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw
Controls Used
- TextBox Control (txtOutput)
- Button Control (btnSelect, btnCreatePDF, btnClear)
- ListBox Control (lbInputs)
- RadioButton Control (rbCombined, rbIndividual)
Here I implemented the code for converting multiple Text Documents into a single combined PDF and into individual PDFs using the iTextSharp Tool.
The Code
1. Variable Declaration.
Document doc; // Create a new instance of the Document class
Listing 1
2. Select the Input Text Files (code for the "Select Files" Button); see.
using (OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog())
// Allow to select multiple files
file.Multiselect = true;
// Allow to select only *.txt Files
file.Filter = "Only Text Documents|*.txt";
// Show the Dialog box to select file(s)
// Add the input file names to ListBox
Listing 2
3. Function to Create a New instance of the PDFWriter Class.
void GetInstance(String str)
// Create a New instance of PDFWriter Class for Output File
PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create));
Listing 3
4. Convert Text Files into PDF File(s) (code for "Create PDF" Button).
// For Combined PDF Option is Selected
// Create a new instance of Document Class
doc = new Document();
// Create a new instance of PDFWriter Class for output file
// Open the Document
foreach (String var in lbInputs.Items)
// Access Each file in ListBox using StreamReader Class
using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(var))
// Add New Page to the Output file
// Add the File name of text file to PDF File
doc.Add(new Paragraph("File Name : " + var + "\n\n"));
// Add the content of Text File to PDF File
doc.Add(new Paragraph(rdr.ReadToEnd()));
// Close the Document
MessageBox.Show("Conversion Successful....");
// Open the Converted PDF File
Listing 4
// For Individual PDFs Option is Selected
// Create an Output Directory for storing individual PDF files
foreach (String var in lbInputs.Items)
// Create a new instance of Document Class
doc = new Document();
// Create a New Instance of FileInfo Class
// to get the Extension of the selected file
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(var);
// Create a new instance of PDFWriter Class for output file
GetInstance(txtOutput.Text +
file.Name.Replace(file.Extension, ".pdf"));
using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(var))
// Open the Document
// Add the content of Text File to PDF File
doc.Add(new Paragraph(rdr.ReadToEnd().ToString()));
// Close the Document
MessageBox.Show("Conversion Successful....");
Listing 5
5. Now execute the application and see the result (Figure 1).
Intended Result
Figure 1
In this piece of writing, using the C# environment, we have seen how to convert Multiple Text files into a Single PDF file & into individual PDF files, using the iTextSharp Tool (a free PDF library ported from Java iText).