Speed up Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 8


Internet Explorer is more than just a browser. It is one of the most popular web browsers today and was released in 1995. But sometimes it may encounter errors indicating that Internet Explorer needs to close or pages can suddenly take ages to load. So, Microsoft has announced that it will launch the Internet Explorer 10 web browser in the Metro user interface, saying it improves web browsing based on touch input. You can try the following steps if your IE has slowed down.
Step 1
Open Internet Explorer from the desktop by clicking the icon.
Step 2
Now press Window+R then type iexplore in the Run window and click OK.
Step 3
Disable unnecessary Add-ons by opened IE. From there Go to Tools->Manage add-ons.
Step 4
Now select unnecessary add-ons and disable them. 


In this article, we learned about Speed up Internet Explorer 10 in Windows.

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