This is my second article on PHP 7.0. In this article we discuss variables, comments, and single and double quotes of PHP. Here's my previous article link:
- Placeholder for an unknown or changing value.
- We use variables in everyday life without thinking.
- The variable remains same, but the value changes.
Naming Variables
- In PHP, variables always begin with $.
- Letters, numbers, and the underscore are permitted.
- First character after $ can’t be a number.
- No space or hyphens are used.
- Names are case sensitive.
Good Naming Variables
- Choose a meaningful name
- Don’t use single letters, except for counters
- Don’t use cryptic abbreviations
- Use camel case or underscore for multiple words
$FirstName--> Not Meaningful
$First_Name--> Right Way
Practice of Variables
In this step you can see that we declare one variable and assign it string. In the same way in C language we use printf for display and use echo for display. Now when you run program you can see the output which you declared in variable.
![Practice of Variable]()
- Comments are those which are ignored by PHP.
- There are three types of comments.
- For single line comment we use //,# also
- For Multiple lines /* Comment */
Practice of Comments
In this step you see that we write three comments and after writing comments we run the program and here's the output as well.
![Practice of Comments]()
Difference between single quotes and double quotes
- There are a lot of differences between single quote and double quote.
- The ‘\’ tells PHP that character reads as a string.
![see the output]()
“When you give a variable name“ (double quotes), it gives the value of the variable which you assign at top. But in single it gives another type of output.
You can see that when I place the variable name in single quotes it is treated like a string.
Escape Sequence
- Only one escape sequence works in single quotes.
- All other escape sequences must be in double quotes.
- Otherwise, the backslash is treated as literal text.
Aren’t Double Quotes Better?
- Not necessarily
- Most coding standards recommend single quotes.
- Avoid overuse of backslashes.
Read more articles on PHP: