In this example I will explain late static binding in PHP. As of PHP 5.3.0, PHP implements a new feature referred to as late static binding that might be referred to as a category in the context of static inheritance. Late static binding introduces a new use for the static keyword.
More exactly, late static binding works by storing the category named within the last "non-forwarding call". Just as in the case of static methodology calls, this can be the category expressly named (usually the one on the left of the ":": operator); just as in the case of non-static methodology calls, it's the category of the item. A "forwarding call" may be a static one that's introduced by the "self::" keyword, "parent::" keyword, "static::" keyword, or, if increasing within the category hierarchy, "forward_static_call()". The operate "get_called_class()" are often used to retrieve a string with the name of the referred to the category and "static::" introduces its scope.
This feature was named "late static bindings" with an enclosed perspective in mind. "Late binding" comes from the actual fact that "static::" won't be resolved using the category wherever the strategy is outlined however it'll preferably computed using runtime data. It had been additionally referred to as a "static binding" because it is often used for (but isn't restricted to) static methodology calls.
This example is used for late binding "Self::Usage" and static reference to the "self::" or "__class__", such as:
class mcn
public static function emp()
echo __CLASS__;
public static function work()
class we extends mcn
public static function emp()
echo __CLASS__;
![limitation of self]()
In this example I will explain late binding usage. Late static bindings tries to resolve that limitation by introducing a keyword that references the category that was at the start known at runtime. Basically, a keyword that might enable you to reference "hi" from yes() within the previous example. it absolutely was set to not introduce a replacement keyword, however; rather use static that was already reserved. In non-static contexts, the known as category will be the category of the article instance. Since "$this->" can try and decide personal strategies from an equivalent scope, use of "static::" might provide totally different results. Another distinction is that "static::" will solely talk over with static properties.
class mcn
public static function emp()
echo __CLASS__;
public static function work()
class we extends mcn
public static function emp()
echo __CLASS__;
![late static binding]()
This example uses a non-static context:
class mcn
private function emp()
echo "completed!"."<br>";
public function work()
class we extends mcn
/* emp() will be copied to we, hence its scope will still be mcn and*/
class you extends mcn
private function emp()
/* original method is replaced; the scope of the new one is you */
$data1 = new we();
$data2 = new you();
![non static context]()
This example shows forward and non-forward calls.
class mcn
public static function emp()
public static function work()
echo __CLASS__."<br>";
class we extends mcn
public static function good()
public static function work()
echo __CLASS__."<br>";
class you extends we
public static function work()
echo __CLASS__."<br>";
![forward and non forward calls]()
For any problem related to static binding, please visit the website.