I will describe abstract classes in PHP. An abstract class is defined using the abstract keyword and abstract is a type of class. An object can't be created as an abstract class using the new keyword. Also, an abstract class can't directly create an object by the class. And an abstract class is something like an interface in PHP. Basically an abstract class implements a class using abstract. We can't extend using more than one abstract class when we implement more than one interface.
Simple Abstract Class
abstract class technology()
$new_technology = new technology();
This will show an error such as "can't instantiate the abstract class".
How to Define an Abstract Method
An abstract method is defined using the abstract keyword, as in:
abstract class technology()
abstract function set_name()
Static Method Defined in the Proper way
abstract class technology()
abstract function set_name()
The class that contains the abstract method must be defined as abstract.
Extending the abstract class
Extending the abstract class to be used as the method of a class. To call an abstract method you must extend the class in the class. Your implementation code can be written in the child class. The child class can be implemented in all abstract methods of the parent class and the access level of the method such as the child class to the parent class the same or lower.
An abstract method can be defined as public in the abstract class but you cannot implement it as private or protected in the child class.
abstract class technology
abstract function set_name();
class Profile extends technology
function set_name()
echo "PHP";
$obj_profile = new profile();
In the child class you must implement all abstract methods of the parent class.
![Abstract class in PHP.jpg]()
Abstract classes work something like an interface in PHP.