VS 2010 and C# 4.0 introduced so many new features. Here in this article, I try
to cover some very simple, yet very useful features of both.
1. Hiding the Selected Part of Code
Many a times, a situation arises when we want to hide a specified piece of code
rather that hiding the entire region. This has become easier in VS 2010. Just
select the part of the code that you want to hide and right click select
Outlining -> Hide Selection.
Same way like a region code also gets collapsible and expandable area. Anytime
you wish to remove this hiding of text again, select right click, select
Outlining -> Stop Hiding Current.
2. DataTips
This option provides us with a simpler way by which we can communicate with any
variable at debugging time. In 2010, a DataTip can be pinned at a location or it
can even float. This gives us an easier way to monitor our variable and its
value during debugging. We can add as many DataTips and will remain there even
after the session is closed.
In order to add Pin to DataTip, just place the mouse pointer over any variable
you can see the pin icon click on it.
You can move your pin to any location. Pin provides you three buttons close,
Unpin (to remove pin), Expand (to add any comment).
Once code has been debugged and still we want to see what value the
variable/expression was holding at the time of debugging, then this feature is
very helpful.
You can even Export/Import your DataTips. Click on Debug ->Export DataTips ->
Specify the location where you want the XML file to be saved.
You can access your XML file anytime by selecting Import option on the Debug ->
Import DataTips.
3. String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
It checks whether the specified string is empty, null, or contains only
white-space characters. If the string contains any of this, only then the method
will return true.
- "\n" for new lines
- " \r" for carriage returns
- "\v" for vertical spaces
- Normal spaces
- "\t" for tab characters
4. Named and Optional Parameters
VS2010 parameters become optional when default value is assigned to it.
In the above method, we can omit Val1 and Val2 as they have a default value and
can be treated as optional. The moment we start tying the method, the
intelligence indicates which parameters are optional.
Named arguments allow user not to remember the order of parameters. If you know
the name of the parameter, then you can call them in any order.
Intelligence supports named argument by parameter name followed by colon (:).
Here is a complete example showing optional and named argument:
5. Highlighting
Select an identifier anywhere in the code and all the places where that
identifier is used gets highlighted.
In the below example, I have selected identifier Val2 and all its usages are
highlighted automatically.
6. Intelligence Generated as Per Usage
This feature is quite interesting. I experienced it when I created a class with
the name test and while declaring the object, by mistake I wrote test and it
allowed me to create the object with a red line.
When I saw a red line, I just right clicked my mouse and saw an option called
generate having two choices Class and New type. The intelligence is improved so
much that any method missing in the class can be used first and created later.
7. URL Routing
URL mapping was possible to a certain extent in ASP.NET 2.0. We can define the
URL which we want to show but the problem was in the case of postback, the
actual URL in the browser is shown.
URL routing was introduced in ASP.NET 3.5. In this problem of PostBack was
solved but we had to create different handler classes depending on the number of
URL routings.
In ASP.NET 4.0, the need for defining separate handler classes for each routing
has been removed and there is a built in helper function named MapPageRoute
which helps to implement routing more quickly. These routes are registered
Let's do routing using a simple example. I have two pages default and default2.
And a button on each page to take you to the next. Along with that, moving from
one page to another, I need to pass a parameter too. First thing in the
global.asax file under the Application_Start, we have to assign the URL that we
want them to appear on the browser window.
sender, EventArgs e)
Code that runs on application startup
default will have the URL MyfirstPage/Value
of the parameter name and default2 will have the URLMySecongPage/value of the
parameter name.
On the button click of default page, I have added the following code to call
default2 page:
sender, EventArgs e)
Here "An" is the value of the parameter Name, and a similar code is added on
default2 page to take you back to default page.
sender, EventArgs e)
Routing has become much easier and simpler. We
can pass more than one parameter too.
8. Dynamic Language Support
Dynamic languages are the ones which don't perform compile-time type checks,
rather they identify the type of objects at run time only. It is faster and
easier to write but we are not able to see compile time errors. So, we have to
make sure that the application is behaving in the manner as depicted.
If we see previous versions of C# then it was fully static language, but 4.0 has
added a new dynamic element to support dynamic feature. Using dynamic keyword
means telling the compiler to turn off compile-time checking.
Object |
Dynamic |
Var |
Compiler has a
little information about the type of the variable |
No information
with the compiler |
Compiler has
complete information |
The variable
requires casting before being used |
No casting
required |
No casting
required, as the compiler already has complete information |
If we don't have
more information of the data type, it is useful |
When we need to
write less code and using Dynamic language |
Usually used
with Linq |
Now comes a very obvious question, what is the difference between Object, Var
and Dynamic types. Let's see:
9. ClientID Generation using ClientIDMode
In ASP.NET, if we look at the client side, it is very hard to predict what
ClientId the page will be rendering. ASP.NET uses a unique naming system for
ClientId generation.
But now with ASP.NET 4.0, handling ClientId has become very easy. So far, we
have seen if we add any control to aspx page and view its source, we can see id
of the control something like this"ctl00_MainContent_txtName". Now by the
property ClientIDMode we can set the ID the way we wish it should be generated.
ASP.NET 4.0 provides four mode types for ClientIDMode property.
The ID so far ASP.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5 was generating.
When we view its source, the ClientId generated is "ctl00_MainContent_txtData" :
This mode makes the client side ID static, meaning that what ID is assigned to
the control on the server side same will be used for the client side ID. But if
a mode is set static for a repetitive control, then it is the developer's
responsibility for ensuring client side ID uniqueness.
When we view its source, the Client Id generated is "divVal3"
Predictable depends on the parent naming control's ClientID to build its own
client ID value. It takes the parent name underscore control's name, excludes
ctxxx. This is mostly useful for DataBound controls.
<%# Eval("ID") %>'
<%# Eval("Name") %>'
When we view its source:
This is the default behavior for every control. It looks to its parent controls
to get its value for ClientIDModel.
It we don't mention any mode, then the default is Inherit.
1, Val1= Named Val 1, Val2= Named Val 2</div>
We can set these properties in 3 ways:
- Control Level
<div id="divVal3" runat="server" clientidmode="Static"> </div>
- Page Level
<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master"
CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" ClientIDMode="Inherit" %>
- Application Level
In your web.config file, under system.web we can set. It is useful when we
upgrade an application from 2.0/3.0/3.5 to 4, at that time default mode was
auto so all control ids will be rendered in auto, but the moment you upgrade
to 4.0, it will be Predictable. So to make the code work, we can set in
<system.web >
<pages clientIDMode="Predictable"> </pages>
I have created a sample application using all the above mentioned features. This
is not the end, just the beginning of my exploration of the VS2010 features. It
has become really very interesting when trying to go deep in these features and
there are many more to explore.