In this article I will create a Single View application with a NSTimer Class to do animation. Using this class we set the frame just like a timer.To understand it we use the following.
Step 1
Open XCode by double-clicking on it.
Step 2
Create a new XCode Project by clicking on it.
Step 3
Now select Single View Application and click on Next.
Step 4
Now provide your Product Name and Company Identifier.
Step 5
Select the location where you want to save your project and click on Create.
Step 6
Now we write the code.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface ViewController : UIViewController{
NSTimer *Timer;
#import "ViewController.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
CGRect RectFrame;
RectFrame.origin.x = 25;
RectFrame.origin.y = 300;
RectFrame.size.width = 20;
RectFrame.size.height = 20;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:RectFrame];
[myView setTag:i];
[myView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
RectFrame.origin.x = RectFrame.origin.x + RectFrame.size.width + 10;
[self.view addSubview:myView];
Timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.1 target:self selector:@selector(moveRect) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
int r = rand() % 10;
for(UIView *aView in [self.view subviews])
if([aView tag] == r)
int movement = rand() % 100;
CGRect RectFrame = aView.frame;
RectFrame.origin.y = RectFrame.origin.y - movement;
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:.2];
[aView setFrame:RectFrame];
[UIView commitAnimations];
if(RectFrame.origin.y < 0)
[Timer invalidate];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
- (void)viewDidUnload {
// Release any retained subviews of the main view.
// e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
Step 7
Finally we click on the Run button to show the output.
Step 8
Output1 in iPhone:
Output2 in iPhone:
Output3 in iPhone:
Output4 in iPhone: