In my previous article I told you about "ngDirty in AngularJS".
In this article I will tell you about "ngInvalid" in AngularJS.
ng-dirty in AngularJs helps to identify whether any changes are made by the user at run time or not. If you are making changes from the code section then it's Ok for ng-dirty and it will not provide any type of error but if you are making changes at run time then it will show an error or display the text according to the CSS defined in the ng-dirty class.
ng-invalid helps to identify whether some invalid data is entered by the user or can also help to identify whether the user has entered something or not.
Like ng-dirty, it is also defined in CSS as a class, then it is applied to the design section.
Now I will create a simple application and will show how to use ng-dirty in your application.
Step 1
First of all you need to add an external Angular.js file to your application, "angular.min.js".
For this you can go to the AngularJS official site or can download my source code and then fetch it or you can click on this link and download it: ANGULARJS.
After downloading the external file you need to add this file to the Head section of your application.
<head runat="server">
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
Step 2
Now after adding the external JS file the first thing you need to do is to add ng-app in the <HTML> Tag otherwise your application will not run.
<html ng-app xmlns="">
Now I will work on the JavaScript section for this application.
Write this code in the head section:
var mod = angular.module('mod', []);
function x($scope) {
$scope.UserEnter = 'Anu';
Here I created a variable in which the angular.module is defined.
After this a function is created named "x", in this function a variable is used whose value is set to "Anu".
Step 3
Now I will work on the CSS that will use the ng-invalid property of Angular.
Write this code just below the JavaScript that was provided in the step above.
body { padding: 12px; }
.ng-invalid { background-color: red; }
Here I apply the background-color property to the ng-invalid class, this means that the background color of that div will become red whereever ng-app is applied, if ng-app is applied in the head section then the entire background will become red.
Step 4
Now I will work on the Body section, so write this code in the body:
<div ng-app>
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="x">
Please Enter Something:
<input name="input" ng-model="UserEnter" required>
<span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">Required</span><br>
User Entered = {{UserEnter}}
Here I created a container/parent Div bound to the ng-app, this means that on any mistake this div will become red and not the entire page.
In this div I created a TextBox bound using the ng-model, to this TextBox the required validation is also applied.
After this two spans are used, the first one will show an error message on finding the TextBox empty and the second one will show the text that was provided in the TextBox.
Now our application is created and is ready for it's execution.
On running the application you will get output like this:
Here you can see that the default value is shown in both the TextBox and in front of the label.
Now if I change the value in the TextBox then similar changes will be seen in the label also:
Now if I remove the text from the TextBox then the red color will be applied to the TextBox.
The complete code of this application is as follows:
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
function x($scope) {
$scope.UserEnter = 'Anu';
body { padding: 12px; }
.ng-invalid { background-color: red; }
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div ng-app>
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="x">
Please Enter Something:
<input name="input" ng-model="UserEnter" required>
<span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">Required</span><br>
User Entered = {{UserEnter}}