In this article you will learn how to configure the DNS Reverse Lookup Zone.
Before going through this article make sure that your system has already installed the DNS. If DNS is not installed then you should install it first; for that you can follow this link: How to Install the DNS.
Now I will show you the procedure for configuring the Reverse Lookup Zone.
Step 1
First of all you need to open the DNS Manager; you can open it by one of two different methods.
First through the Server Manager.
Second through the Administrative tools.
Here we will follow the first method, in other words through the Server manager.
Open the Server Manager. In the Server Manager you will see an option named Tools on the right-hand corner of the Server Manager. Click on it to expand it.
Now your DNS Manager will be opened that will look like this:
Step 2
Now you need to expand your Server, for that click on the Server Name that is available on the left hand side under the DNS.
After expanding the Server Name, you will see that two type of zones are available and one of them will be "Reverse Lookup Zone". Right-click on this zone and click on "Add New Zone".
Now the New Zone Wizard will be opened where on the first page some information about the Wizard will be provided, click on the "Next" button to open the next page.
Step 3
On clicking the Next button the Zone type page will be opened. Here you must select the first option, which is "Primary Zone". This will create a copy of the zone that can be updated directly on your server.
After selecting the Primary Zone click on the "Next" button to navigate you to the next page where you need to select one of the two address types, either IPV4 Address or IPV6 type.
Step 4
On the next page you need to provide the Network ID so that the Reverse Lookup Zone can be identified. After providing the Network ID click on the "Next" button.
The next page will ask you to either create a New Zone File name or use an existing one, if you want to create a New Zone file Name then click on the first option otherwise click on the second option and provide the path for it.
Step 5
The next page will be named "Dynamic Update" and here you need to click on the second option, in other words "Allow both Secure and Non Secure dynamic updates".
The next page is the final page that will show you the summary of your selection process and will show you what you are going to create. Click on the "Finish" button to create the New Zone.
On the DNS Manager page you will see that a new folder is added having the name of the File that you provided.