This article shows how to create a Hello World example using Angularjs in an ASP.NET application.
Angularjs works great on HTML, MVC and ASP.NET as well, it contains some important directives like np-model, np-bind, np-app, np-controller, all these will be explained with examples for them. Let's create a Simple Hello World Example that is first step of learning any new technology, framework and so on.
Step 1
First of all you need to add an external Angular.js file to your application, for this you can go to the AngularJS official site or download my source code and then fetch it or you can click on this link to download it: ANGULARJS.
After downloading the external file you now need to add this file to the Head section of your application.
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
Step 2
Now I will create a JavaScript function that will work for showing the Hello World.
Add this JavaScript function in the head section of your application.
function HelloWorld($scope) {
$scope.test = 'World';
Here I had created a function named as "HelloWorld", in this HelloWorld "$scope" makes a connection between the function and the View, in other words the Design part. "Test" is a variable that will be holding "World" as it's default value.
Step 3
Now I will create a Div, TextBox and some Labels for showing the Hello World example.
<div ng-controller="HelloWorld">
Your Name: <input type="text" ng-model="test"/>
Hello {{test || "World"}}!
Here in the Div you can see that a directive is used named "ng-controller" that consists of the name of the JavaScript function that was applied to a specific Div, Span and so on.
Then an input tag is used in which "ng-model" provides the Binding between the View and the Model. In ng-model it has "test" that means the value entered in this TextBox will replace the default value provided in the JavaScript Function.
One more thing is to be done and that is to add "ng-app" in the HTML tag.
<html ng-app xmlns="">
ng-app declares that it is the AngularJS page, if you dodn't add this directive in the HTML tag then your application will not work properly because it will become unable to detect the other directives of Angular.
Now our Hello World application is ready to be executed.
The complete code of this application is as follows:
<html ng-app xmlns="">
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
function HelloWorld($scope) {
$scope.test = 'World';
<div ng-controller="HelloWorld">
Your Name: <input type="text" ng-model="test"/>
Hello {{test || "World"}}!
On running the application you will see the default value that was provided in the function, "Hello World".
![AngularJS Hello World]()
Now if I start making changes in the TextBox then the changes will be instantly seen in the Label.
![AngularJS Hello World]()