In today's articles you will learn about creating a Session Based Desktop through Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2012.
This includes a long process in which the first is deploying the Session Based Desktop.
This article is about how to deploy a Session Based Desktop through Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2012.
Step 1
First of all login to your Windows Server 2012 as Administrator, when your loggin process is completed Server Manager will be opened automatically, if it doesn't open then you must open it manually.
Now in the Server Manager, click on the Manage Button to open the "Add Roles and Features" to add the new feature.
Step 2
Now a new window will be opened in which few instructions would be given, click on "Next".
Step 3
Now you will be asked for the Installation Type from which you need to select the Second option i.e. Remote Desktop Services Installation and then click on "Next".
Step 4
On the next page we must select the Deployment Type. On this page also select the second option i.e. Quick Start and then click on "Next".
Step 5
Now you must select the Deployment Scenario that can be either Virtual Machine Based or the Session Based Scenario, here you must select the Session Based Scenario i.e. second option.
Step 6
On the next page you must select the server from the Server Pool. After selecting the server from the Server Pool click on the "Next" button.
Step 7
Now a confirmation page will be opened that will show you the server, Roll Services etc. that you selected to install. Click on "Deploy".
Now the Deployment and Installation process will be started.