If you are new to Install Shield LE then please refer to my old article on link:" http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/cb88b2/simple-steps-to-create-setup-file-using-install-shield-le-fr/".
Now I am going to tell you how to create a setup of a website using Install Shield LE.
Step 1: Create Website in IIS using Install Shield setup file
Here we need to create a website with a configuration and while the setup runs it will create the website dynamically in IIS. See the following image:
![Create-Website-in -IIS-using-Install-Shield-setup-file.jpg]()
To create a new website:
- Click on the "Configure the Target System in Install Shield" project as in the preceding image.
- Right-click on "Websites in Internet Information Services"; see the left side of the above image.
- Now do the configuration as per your requirements and for that refer to the following link: http://helpnet.flexerasoftware.com/isxhelp17/IIS-WebSiteNode.htm.
- In the configuration section there is the option "Home Directory" and in that there is an option "Content Source path (Local or UNC)"; I have selected "[IISROOTFOLDER]"; see the following image:
Step 2: Add Source of website to the setup
Now we need to add the source file of the setup. To do that go to the "Project Assistant" tab then select "Application Files"; see the following image:
![Add Source-of-website-to-the-setup.jpg]()
Here we will see that the newly created folder is named Webdemo inside "[IISROOTFOLDER]".
- Click on the "WebDemo" folder and then click on "Add Project Outputs" and select the files as per your requirements.
- Now you can add a new folder in the "ProgramFileFolder\ProjectName\folder\New Folder", click on that newly created folder "TestWebSetup" and select that folder and click on "Add project outputs" and select the output as per your requirenments.
Important Configuration
- To see the log file of the installer we set the option to create the MSI logs to "Yes" in:
- Organization Your Setup In Install Shield Project
If you get any error regarding Script So please add that folder and then Run the project,I have removed Scripts Folder from the Asp.Net project Because WebsetupDemo.rar file Size increased 10 MB.So i am not able to upload it.
This is how you can create a simple setup of a website from VS2012.
If you this article helps you than let me know by your Valuable Comments.
Thank you so much.