In this tutorial you will learn how to use PHP calendar functions. The PHP calendar functions are used to implement various types of calendar formats. Here I will explain some Calendar functions and I am also described some PHP calendar functions in PART 1.
PHP Calendar cal_to_jd function
It converts a given date to Julian day count. The cal_to_jd calendar function (GREGORIAN, JULIAN, JEWISH or FRENCH ) calendar are supported.
cal_to_jd (calendar, month, day, year) |
Parameters in cal_to_jd function
It has four parameters and every parameter is required in this function.
Parameter |
Description |
calendar |
It specifies name of calendar. |
month |
It specifies month number. |
day |
It specifies day. |
year |
It specifies year. |
Example of cal_to_jd function
echo"If date in GREGORIAN then Julian day count = ";
echo $days;
echo"If date in JULIAN then Julian day count = ";
echo $days;
echo"If date in JEWISH then Julian day count = ";
echo $days; ?> |

PHP Calendar easter_date function
It returns the Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year. The easter_date function only accepts years between 1970 to 2037. If the year is outside of that range then the function will generate a warning.
Parameters in easter_date function
Contains one parameter; it is:
Parameter |
Description |
year |
Specifies the year to calculate. |
Example of easter_date function:
echo (easter_date()."</br>");
echo(date("M-d-Y",easter_date(2007))."<br/>"); ?> |

PHP Calendar easter_days function
It returns the number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year. If in this function you do not specify a year then it assumes the current year.
easter_days (year, month) |
Parameters in easter_days function
It has two parameters and every parameter is optional in this function; they are:
Parameter |
Description |
year |
It specifies the year to calculate the midnight on Easter from. |
month |
It specifies month number. |
Example of easter_days function:
echoeaster_days(2007)."<br/>"; ?> |