In this article we are discussing what's new in comments in Microsoft Word 2013. Comments are the basic mechanism for communication about something regarding any text present in the Word Document. Comments provide a basic guideline about what the particular paragraph or text is all about. In Microsoft Word 2013 there is a facility to insert the the comments more conveniently, which means it shows the comments in the form of balloons and it also shows the timing information along with the author name.
Let's have a look at the following steps:
- First open Microsoft Office 2013.
- Then select the Blank document template from the available templates.
- Now create a document and click the Insert menu option.
- Now select some text in the document and select the New Comment option.
- A comment window will appear along with the balloon symbol.
- Now we can write anything we want to convey about that particular line.
- Now click somewhere else in the document; the comment window will disappear and only the balloon type symbol will appear in front of the particular text like this:
- Now to see the comment just click on that balloon symbol the comment window will appear and we will see the message in the comment window.
- Now if we want we can move the comment window here and there and to do this just select the task pane options arrow and select the move option from it.
- The comment window will be moved around.
In the above diagram we can see that the comment window is now appearing just below the line where we inserted the comment.