A new facility in the new version of Word 2013 is Alignment Guides. When we need any Alignment Guide it pops up and disappears when we are done. It provides the professional look in sense that it automatically aligns pictures, charts and images with our text thus in this way it provides the polished look with the text.
Let's have a look at the following steps:
- Go to Microsoft Word 2013.
- Select the Blank document template from the available templates.
- Now create a document and take some pictures in it.
- To insert the picture just select the insert menu option.
- Now select the pictures menu option from it.
- Now select the location of the picture in the insert Picture Dialog box and click on the insert button in it.
- An image will be inserted like this:
- Now to align the image along with the text we will move the image around.
- Then a green line will appear automatically to show the alignment of the image along with the text.
- We will see that it disappears automatically when the picture is aligned with the text.
Really this feature is one of the most important features of the Word 2013. In the previous versions of Microsoft Word, we need to set the alignment by yourself but in this new version of Word 2013 it provides the automatic alignment of the images, chart etc along with the text present in the document.