In this article I will explain My Site.
What My Site is
My Site is a dedicated personal site in a Microsoft SharePoint Server that provides the login user with a rich set of social networking and collaboration features. My Site presents lists of memberships, such as distribution lists, and shows you how to share those lists with other people. My Site displays a list of your colleagues and an organization hierarchy diagram to show your position within your immediate team.
How to Create My Site
Use the following procedure to create My Site in SharePoint 2010.
- Create a web application
- Go to Central Administration then seelct Application Management -> Manage WebApplication and create a new web application
- Select Classic Mode Authentication
- Rename the IIS Web Site accordingly
![Web Site]()
- Next create a Site Collection.
- Go to Central Administration, click Application Management and then click Create site collections.
- In the web application list, ensure that you have selected the correct web application that you want to host My Sites (in the case of My Site hosting is in another site collection).
- Type a title and description for your site collection.
![site collection]()
- In the Web Site Address, select the URL where you want this site collection created. Generally, you should use the default path (that displays as / in the user interface), that is the root of the web application.
- From the template, select the Enterprise tab and then select My Site Host.
![My Site Host]()
- In the Primary Site Collection Administrator, type an account to provide an administrator for this site collection, a secondary site collection administrator is optional.
![site collection administrator]()
- Now browse to your site.
The site will be opened as below:
![Browse your site]()
- Click on My Profile.
![My Profile]()
You will be redirected to your profile where you will get details for your profile, like Overview, Organisation, Content and so on.
- Clcik on Edit Profile. This will redirect to the page where you can edit your profile as below.
![Edit Profile]()
What My Newsfeed in My Site is
The news feed page is a Personal Public Web Part Page and contains the following components: My Site Navigation, People Search, Help, Welcome Menu, Site Actions Menu, and Web Part Zones with the “What's New” Web Part. Note there is no ribbon.
What is MyContent?
This page contains the following components: My Site Navigation, People Search, Help, Welcome Menu, Site Actions Menu, Ribbon, Site Icon, Site Title, Page Title, Tags and Notes, Search Bar and a Help Icon. The page also contains Web Part Zones with the following web parts: Shared Documents, Personal Documents and Recent Blog Posts.
What My Profile is
The My Profile page contains personal information about you. You can access the My Profile page through the Welcome Menu and through the My Site Navigation at the top of the page. This page contains the following components: My Site Navigation, People Search, Help, Welcome Menu, Site Actions Menu, View My Profile Selector, Profile Page Header, and a My Site Sub Navigation Menu displayed as tabs.
In this article I have explain how to configure My Site in SharePoint and its features.