![mvc and angular]()
This article shows how to create a Master and Detail Grid using AngularJS and WCF. In this article we will see:
- How to create a WCF Rest service and retrieve data from the database.
- How to install an AngularJS Package in our MVC application.
- How to create our AngularJS application to create our own Master Detail Grid.
- How to use a WCS service in AngularJS and bind the data of both a Master and Detail to our MVC View.
Note: a prerequisite is Visual Studio 2013. If you don't have Visual Studio 2013, you can download it from the Microsoft
Here we can see some basic and reference links for the following.
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): WCF is a framework for building service-oriented applications.
Service-oriented application: Using this protocol the service can be shared and used over a network.
For example let's consider now we are working on a project and we need to create some common database function and those functions need to be used in multiple projects and the projects are in multiple places and connected via a network such as the internet.
In this case we can create a WCF service and we can write all our common database functions in our WCF service class. We can deploy our WCF in IIS and use the URL in our application to do DB functions. In the code part let's see how to create a WCF REST service and use it in our AngularJS application.
If you are interested in reading more details about WCF then kindly go to this link.
We might be be familiar with what is Model, View and View Model (MVVM) and Model, View and Controller (MVC) are. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that is purely based on HTML CSS and JavaScript .
Similar to the MVC and MVVM patterns AngularJS uses the Model, View and Whatever (MVW) pattern.
In our example I have used Model, View and Service. In the code part let's see how to Install and create AngularJS in our MVC application.
If you are interested in reading more details about AngularJS then kindly go to this link.
Code Part
Create Database and Table
We will create an Order Master and Order Detail table to be used for the Master and Detail Grid data binding.
The following is the script to create a database, table and sample insert query.
Run this script in your SQL Server. I have used SQL Server 2008 R2.
- Create Database OrderManagement
- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderMasters](
- [Order_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
- [Table_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
- [Description] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
- [Order_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL,
- [Waiter_Name] [varchar](20) NOT NULL
- (
- [Order_No] ASC
- INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]
- ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[Order_DATE],[Waiter_Name])
- ('ORD_001','T1','Order for Table T1',GETDATE(),'SHANU' )
- INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]
- ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[Order_DATE],[Waiter_Name])
- ('ORD_002','T2','Order for Table T2',GETDATE(),'Afraz' )
- INSERT INTO [OrderMasters]
- ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[Order_DATE],[Waiter_Name])
- ('ORD_003','T3','Order for Table T3',GETDATE(),'Afreen')
- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails](
- [Order_Detail_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
- [Order_No] [varchar](20) CONSTRAINT fk_OrderMasters FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderMasters(Order_No),
- [Item_Name] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
- [Notes] [varchar](200) NOT NULL,
- [Price] INT NOT NULL
- (
- [Order_Detail_No] ASC
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_001','ORD_001','Ice Cream','Need very Cold',2 ,160)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_002','ORD_001','Coffee','Hot and more Suger',1 ,80)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_003','ORD_001','Burger','Spicy',3 ,140)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_004','ORD_002','Pizza','More Chees and Large',1 ,350)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_005','ORD_002','Cola','Need very Cold',3 ,50)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_006','ORD_003','IDLY','Hot',3 ,40)
- INSERT INTO [OrderDetails]
- ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Name],[Notes],[QTY] ,[Price])
- ('OR_DT_007','ORD_003','Thosa','Hot',3 ,50)
- Select * FROM OrderMasters
- Select * From OrderDetails
Create WCF REST Service
Open Visual Studio 2013 then select "File" -> "New" -> "Project..." then select WCF Service Application then select your project path and name your WCF service and click OK.
![new wcf service]()
Once we have created our WCF Service we can see “IService.CS” and “Service1.svc” in the Solution Explorer as in the following.
![solution explorer]()
- IService.CS: In “IService.CS” we can see 3 Contracts by defaul.
- [ServiceContract]: Describes the methods or any operations available for the service. The Service Contract is an interface and methods can be declared inside the Service Interface using the Operation Contract attribute.
- [OperationContract]: is similar to the web service [WEBMETHOD].
- [DataContract]: describes the data exchange between the client and the service.
The following code will be automatically created for all the IService.CS files. We can change and write our own code here.
- public interface IService1
- {
- [OperationContract]
- string GetData(int value);
- [OperationContract]
- CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite);
- }
- [DataContract]
- public class CompositeType
- {
- bool boolValue = true;
- string stringValue = "Hello ";
- [DataMember]
- public bool BoolValue
- {
- get { return boolValue; }
- set { boolValue = value; }
- }
- [DataMember]
- public string StringValue
- {
- get { return stringValue; }
- set { stringValue = value; }
- }
- }
Data Contract
In our example we need to get both an Order Master and an Order Details from the database, so I have created two Data Contracts, “OrderMasterDataContract” and “OrderDetailDataContract”.
Here we can see we have declarared all our Table column names as Data Member.
- public class OrderDataContract
- {
- [DataContract]
- public class OrderMasterDataContract
- {
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Table_ID { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Description { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_DATE { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Waiter_Name { get; set; }
- }
- [DataContract]
- public class OrderDetailDataContract
- {
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_Detail_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Item_Name { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Notes { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string QTY { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Price { get; set; }
- }
- }
Service Contract
In the Operation Contract we can see “WebInvoke” and “WebGet” for retrieving the data from the database in the REST Serivce.
- RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
Here we can see both of the request and response formats. Here I have used the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
- JSON is a lightweight data interchange format.
- UriTemplate: Here we provide our Method Name.
Here I have declared the 3 methods “GetOrderMaster”, “SearchOrderMaster” and “OrderDetails” . The “GetOrderMaster” method gets the Order Master records. In the “OrderDetails” method the Order_No parameter provides the order detail filter by Order Number.
- [ServiceContract]
- public interface IService1
- {
- [OperationContract]
- [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
- RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/GetOrderMaster/")]
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> GetOrderMaster();
- [OperationContract]
- [WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/SearchOrderMaster/{Order_No}")]
- OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract SearchOrderMaster(string Order_No);
- [OperationContract]
- [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
- RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/OrderDetails/{Order_No}")]
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract> OrderDetails(string Order_No);
- }
Iservice.Cs: Complete Source Code
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization;
- using System.ServiceModel;
- using System.ServiceModel.Web;
- using System.Text;
- namespace Shanu_WCFDBService
- {
- [ServiceContract]
- public interface IService1
- {
- [OperationContract]
- [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
- RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/GetOrderMaster/")]
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> GetOrderMaster();
- [OperationContract]
- [WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/SearchOrderMaster/{Order_No}")]
- OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract SearchOrderMaster(string Order_No); [OperationContract]
- [WebInvoke(Method = "GET",
- RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
- UriTemplate = "/OrderDetails/{Order_No}")]
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract> OrderDetails(string Order_No);
- }
- public class OrderDataContract
- {
- [DataContract]
- public class OrderMasterDataContract
- {
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Table_ID { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Description { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_DATE { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Waiter_Name { get; set; }
- }
- [DataContract]
- public class OrderDetailDataContract
- {
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_Detail_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Order_No { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Item_Name { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Notes { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string QTY { get; set; }
- [DataMember]
- public string Price { get; set; }
- }
- }
- }
Add Database using ADO.NET Entity Data Model
Right-click your WCF project and select Add New Item tehn select ADO.NET Entity Data Model and click Add.
![adonet entity data]()
Select EF Designer from the Database and click "Next".
![ef designer from database]()
Click "New Connection".
![new connection]()
Here we can select our Database Server Name and enter your DB server SQL Server Authentication User ID and Password. We have already created our database as “OrderManagement” so we can select the database and click OK.
![connection properties]()
Click Next and select tables that need to be used. In our example we need to use “OrderMasters" and “orderDetails”. Select both tables and click "Finish".
![entity data model wizard]()
Here we can see that now we have created our OrderManagementModel.
![order management model]()
“Service.SVC.CS” implements the IService Interface and overrides and defines all the methods of the Operation Contract.
For example here we can see I have implemented the IService1 in the Service1 class. Created the object for our Entity model and in GetOrderMaster using a LINQ Query I have selected the data from the OrderMasters table and the result was added to the list.
- public class Service1 : IService1
- {
- OrderManagementEntities OME;
- public Service1()
- {
- OME = new OrderManagementEntities();
- }
- public List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> GetOrderMaster()
- {
- var query = (from a in OME.OrderMasters
- select a).Distinct();
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> orderMasterList = new List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract>();
- query.ToList().ForEach(rec =>
- {
- orderMasterList.Add(new OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract
- {
- Order_No = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_No),
- Table_ID = rec.Table_ID,
- Description = rec.Description,
- Order_DATE = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_DATE),
- Waiter_Name = rec.Waiter_Name
- });
- });
- return orderMasterList;
- }
Service.SVC.CS: Complete Source Code
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization;
- using System.ServiceModel;
- using System.ServiceModel.Web;
- using System.Text;
- using Shanu_WCFDBService.Model;
- namespace Shanu_WCFDBService
- {
- public class Service1 : IService1
- {
- OrderManagementEntities OME;
- public Service1()
- {
- OME = new OrderManagementEntities();
- }
- public List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> GetOrderMaster()
- {
- var query = (from a in OME.OrderMasters
- select a).Distinct();
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract> orderMasterList = new List<OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract>();
- query.ToList().ForEach(rec =>
- {
- orderMasterList.Add(new OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract
- {
- Order_No = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_No),
- Table_ID = rec.Table_ID,
- Description = rec.Description,
- Order_DATE = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_DATE),
- Waiter_Name = rec.Waiter_Name
- });
- });
- return orderMasterList;
- }
- public OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract SearchOrderMaster(string Order_No)
- {
- OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract OrderMaster = new OrderDataContract.OrderMasterDataContract();
- try
- {
- var query = (from a in OME.OrderMasters
- where a.Order_No.Equals(Order_No)
- select a).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();
- OrderMaster.Order_No = Convert.ToString(query.Order_No);
- OrderMaster.Table_ID = query.Table_ID;
- OrderMaster.Description = query.Description;
- OrderMaster.Order_DATE = Convert.ToString(query.Order_DATE);
- OrderMaster.Waiter_Name = query.Waiter_Name;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw new FaultException<string>
- (ex.Message);
- }
- return OrderMaster;
- }
- public List<OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract> OrderDetails(string Order_No)
- {
- var query = (from a in OME.OrderDetails
- where a.Order_No.Equals(Order_No)
- select a).Distinct();
- List<OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract> OrderDetailList = new List<OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract>();
- query.ToList().ForEach(rec =>
- {
- OrderDetailList.Add(new OrderDataContract.OrderDetailDataContract
- {
- Order_Detail_No = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_Detail_No),
- Order_No = Convert.ToString(rec.Order_No),
- Item_Name = rec.Item_Name,
- Notes = rec.Notes,
- QTY = Convert.ToString(rec.QTY),
- Price = Convert.ToString(rec.Price)
- });
- });
- return OrderDetailList;
- }
- }
- }
In the WCF project's “Web.Config”, make the following changes:
- Change <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" /> to <add binding="webHttpBinding" scheme="http" />
- Replace the </behaviors> to:
- <endpointBehaviors>
- <behavior>
- <webHttp helpEnabled="True"/>
- </behavior>
- </endpointBehaviors>
- </behaviors>
Run WCF Service
Now we have created our WCF Rest service, let's run and test our service.
![run wcf service]()
In our service URL we can add our method name and we can see the JSON result data from the database.
![get order master]()
So now we have completed our WCF and now it's time to create our MVC AngularJS application.
We can add a new project to our existing project and create a new MVC web application as in the following.
Right-click the project in the solution and click Add New Project then enter your project name and click "OK".
![ass aspnet web app]()
Select MVC and click "OK".
![select mvc]()
Now we have created our MVC application and it's time to add our WCF Service and install the AngularJS package to our solution.
Add WCF Service: Right-click MVC Solution and click Add then click Service Reference.
![add reference]()
Enter your WCF URL and click GO. Here my WCF URL is http://localhost:2505/Service1.svc.
Add your name and click "OK".
![add service reference]()
Now we have successfully added our WCF Service to our MVC application.
![wcf service added]()
Procedure to Install AngularJS package
Right-click your MVC project and click "Manage NuGet Packages".
![manage nuget package]()
Select Online and Search for AngularJS. Select the AngularJs and click Install.
![install angularjs]()
Now we have Installed the AngularJS package into our MVC Project. Now let's create our AngularJs.
- Modules.js
- Controllers.js
- Services.js
Procedure to Create AngularJs Script Files
Right-click the Script folder and create your own folder to create the AngularJs Model/Controller and Service JavaScript. In your script folder add three JavaScript files and name them Modules.js, Controllers.js and Services.js as in the following.
Modules.js: Here we add the reference to the Angular.js JavaScript and create an angular module named “RESTClientModule”.
- var app;
- (function () {
- app = angular.module("RESTClientModule", []);
- })();
Services.js: Here we add the reference to the Angular.js JavaScript and our Module.js.
Here we provide a name for our service and we use this name in controllers.js. Here for the Angular service I have given the name "AngularJs_WCFService". You can give your own name but be careful of changing the name in Controllers.js. Here we can see in the method since I have passed the URL of our webservice.
- app.service("AngularJs_WCFService", function ($http) {
- this.getOrdermaster = function () {
- return $http.get("http://localhost:2505/Service1.svc/GetOrderMaster");
- };
- this.getSearchOrder = function (OrderNO) {
- return $http.get("http://localhost:2505/Service1.svc/SearchOrderMaster/" + OrderNO);
- }
- this.getOrderDetail = function (OrderNO) {
- return $http.get("http://localhost:2505/Service1.svc/OrderDetails/" + OrderNO);
- }
- });
Controllers.js: Here we add the reference to the Angular.js JavaScript and our Module.js and Services.js. The same as for the services for the controller I have given the name "AngularJs_WCFController".
First I get the current data and store the date using $scope.date.
I have created the method GetOrderMasters() and using the Services module I get the obtained Order Master table and bind the result to the “$scope.OrderMastersDisp = pl.data”. The same as that we create all the rest of the methods.
- app.controller("AngularJs_WCFController", function ($scope, $window, AngularJs_WCFService) {
- $scope.date = new Date();
- GetOrderMasters();
- function GetOrderMasters() {
- var promiseGet = AngularJs_WCFService.getOrdermaster();
- promiseGet.then(function (pl) {
- $scope.OrderMastersDisp = pl.data
- },
- function (errorPl) {
- });
- }
- Hidetables()
- function Hidetables() {
- $scope.isRowHidden = false;
- }
- $scope.get = function (Order) {
- if (Order == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (Order.isRowHidden == true) {
- Order.isRowHidden = false;
- var promiseGet = AngularJs_WCFService.getOrderDetail(Order.Order_No);
- promiseGet.then(function (pl) {
- $scope.OrderDetailDisp = pl.data
- },
- function (errorPl) {
- });
- }
- else {
- Order.isRowHidden = true;
- }
- }
- });
So now we have created our Angular Js Module, Controller and Service. So what is next?
Create MVC Control and View to display our result.
Add Controller
Right-click Controllers then select Add Controller then select MVC 5 Controller –Empty then click Add.
![add controler]()
Change the Controller name and here I have given it the name “OrderManagementController” and click OK.
Add View
Right-click on the Controller Index and click Add View.
![add view]()
Name the View “Index”.
In the View design your page and reference angular.Js, Modules.js, Services.js and Controllers.js.
In AngulaJS we use {{ }} to bind or display the data. Here we can see that first I create one table and for that a table.
First in the table I have used the data-ng-controller="AngularJs_WCFController" and here we can see the data-ng-controller will be used to bind the data of the controller to our HTML table.
Using <tbody data-ng-repeat="detail in OrderDetailDisp"> we can get all the records and using the <td><span>{{order.Order_No}}</span></td> bind all the data inside the table. The same as that we create an Inner Table. When the user clicks on the Details button I will display the Order Details table.
Run your program
Here we can see that when I run the program, first I display the Order Master records in the table.
![run program]()
When the user clicks on the Detail button I will display the details of the order in the next row.
![order details]()
Supported browsers: Chrome and Firefox.