Navigate to the My Newsletter list.
Click on the List tab and then click on Workflow Settings.
Click on Create a Workflow in Nintex Workflow.
![create work flow]()
Click on Cancel.
![select workflow template]()
Drag and drop the Call web service action from the Integration section.
![call web service]()
You will be able to see the warning symbol in the workflow action, click on that and you will be seeing the following warning message.
![warning message]()
Click on Configure from the drop down list in the Call web service action.
![configure web service]()
Click on the Insert Reference button for the URL column and then click on the Common tab. Select Web URL and then click on Ok.
![insert reference]()
Append /_vti_bin/usergroup.asmx to the URL column.
Enter the User Name and Password to call the web service and then click on the Reference button.
Click on Ok.
![web service url]()
All the web service methods will be populated. Select GetUserCollectionFromGroup web method that will be used to get all the SharePoint groups from the website.
Click on the Variables button.
![configure action]()
Enter the variable name and select the variable type.
![create workflow variable]()
Click on Save.
The variable is created successfully.
![variable created]()
Enter the group Name string (SharePoint group).
Select Specify elements, click on m:GetUserCollectionFromGroupResult element and then click on the Apply button.
![XML browser]()
Select the userCollectionXML variable for “Store result in” drop down.
![configure call web service]()
Click on Save.
Drag and drop the Query XML action from the Integration section.
![workflow action]()
Click on Configure from the drop down list in the Query XML action.
Click on the Variables button.
![click variable button]()
Enter the variable name and select the variable type.
![select variable type]()
Click on Save.
The variable is created successfully.
![created new variable]()
Select XML from the XML Source drop down list.
Click on the Insert Reference button for the XML column and then click on the Workflow Variable tab.
Select userCollectionXML and then click on Ok.
Enter the XPath
Select the users variable from the Store result in the drop down list.
Click on Save.
![xml source]()
Drag and drop a for each action from the Logic and flow section.
Click on the Variables button.
![configure action for each]()
Enter the variable name and select the variable type.
![enter variable name]()
Click on Save.
The variable is created successfully.
Configure a For each action as shown below.
![configure foreach action]()
Click on Save.
Drag and drop a Send notification action from the User interaction section inside the for each action.
Configure a Send notification action as shown below.
![configure action send notification]()
Click on the Save button.
Thus in this article you have seen how to send email to individual users using a NINTEX workflow.