Entity Framework 5 brings many improvements and one of them is Mapping Table-Valued Functions (TVFs) Support.
In this article, I'll follow the simple steps to set up a "SQL Server Database" and create a Table-valued Function then test it, then use it in a Console Application with Entity Framework Database First Workflow. Please note, that TVFs are currently only supported in the Database First workflow.
Step 1. Setup SQL Server Database & TVF
I recommend you read this article [https://tinyurl.com/8hh8bdr] before proceeding. In the image given below, I've created a "College" Database and a "Students" table and then a "Table-valued Function" by the name "GetStudentName" that will accept "Id" as a parameter and will return matching records in Tabular form.
There are the following key differences between TVFs and Stored Procedures.
- The results of a TVF are composable within a LINQ Query while the results of a Stored Procedure cannot.
- Table-valued Functions can return only a single result set in Tabular form while Stored Procedures can return multiple result sets.
Step 2.Testing TVF
In the above step, we have created a TVF and now in this step, we will test it before consuming it in any application. Create a new query and type the code as given in the following image and click on "Execute". Remember that we need to pass a parameter, that's why I have written "GetStudentName(1)" here "1" is my parameter.
![Testing TVF]()
Step 3. Create a Console Application
Create a new console application File > New > Project > Visual C# > Console Application.
Step 4. Add ADO.NET Entity Data Model
As we know, TVF in EF5 is only available for a Database First workflow and we now have a database. So, to use this database in EF, we need to add an ADO.NET Entity Data Model.
- Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer, point to Add, and then click New Item.
- Select Data from the left menu and then select ADO.NET Entity Data Model in the Templates pane.
- Enter Model1.edmx for the file name, and then click Add.
- In the Choose Model Contents dialog box, select Generate from the database, and then click Next.
- Click New Connection.
- Select the Server name & Database Name and click OK.
- In the Choose Your Database Objects dialog box, under the Tables node, select the "Students" tables and select the "GetStudentName" function located under the Stored Procedures and Functions node. Click Finish.
Note. By default, the resulting shape of each imported stored procedure or function will automatically become a new complex type in your entity model if you have multiple entity models (tables). In my case, there is only one entity model, so no worries and avoid the following instructions (in light black color).
- In case if you want to map the results of the "GetStudentName" function to the "Students" entity, do this:
- Right-click the design surface and select the Model Browser.
- In the Model Browser, select Function Imports, and then double-click the "GetStudentName" function.
- In the Edit Function Import dialog box, select Entities and choose "Students".
![Entity Data]()
- You will have the following structure:
Step 5. What is Composable?
Composable means results from a TVF can be used in a LINQ query while the results of a stored procedure cannot. That's cool.
Step 6.Complete Code
The complete code of my demo is.
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication5_TVF
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var context = new CollegeEntities())
var Id = 1;
var student = from s in context.GetStudentName(Id)
select new { s.Name };
foreach (var result in student)
Console.WriteLine("Student Name is " + result.Name);
Student Name is abhimanyu
I hope you like it. Thanks.