In my previous article (ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework) I have described what the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework is and what are all the classes provided by this framework for its use in web forms, web pages and ASP.NET MVC. So here in this article I will explain how to use this framework in an ASP.NET web page site.
Since in my previous article I have already explained the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework so without describing anything about it I am directly switching to the implementation. But I will recommend before reading this article that you please go through my previous article (ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework) because that is a prerequisite for this article.
So now let's see how to use this framework in web pages site step-by-step.
- Create an ASP.NET website (Razor 2) Web Site as in the following:
![Create an ASP.NET website]()
- Now you can see Solution Explorer like the following:
![solution explorer]()
- One important thing here is that this template is already installed with the Web Optimization Framework so you can check in the bin folder that the required DLLs was already added.
- Now you need to create two folders, Scripts and Styles, for keeping scripts and CSS files. Now your Solution Explorer should look like the following:
![folders Scripts and Styles]()
Here I have added 2 files in the scripts folder and 2 files in Styles for demonstration. You can add as per your requirements.
- Open the _AppStart.cshtml file. You can see that there are already some code present in this file and some code is commented so there is no need to worry about that. We need to write our own code. You need to write the following code inside this file.
var bundles = System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles;
bundles.Add(new System.Web.Optimization.ScriptBundle("~/bundle/js")
bundles.Add(new System.Web.Optimization.ScriptBundle("~/bundle/css")
Here I am directly creating and adding two bundles into the bundle table. You can define it depending on your classification and use. You can further classify a single bundle into other sub bundles. One more thing you might have noticed here that I am using *.js , because I am adding all the js files into one bundle and the same for CSS. So exactly what I did here is I bundled all the JavaScript files into one bundle, in other words they will load as a single entity, not as multiple files and the same for CSS , I created a single bundle for all CSS files.
I think you can now understand better in practical terms how this framework optimizes the calls and loading of resources.
- Add one .cshtml for consuming these bundles. So for adding a cshtml file, right-click on Solution Explorer, click on Add and choose New item, then you will get one dialog box. Now you can choose Empty Page (Razor v2) and name the file Welcome.cshtml.
![Empty Page(Razor v2)]()
- Now we are ready with our bundle so the last task is to consume this bundle into our file. That we can do using the Scripts.Render and Styles.Render methods like the following:
- Now we are ready with all the implementation. Now the only one task remaining is to enable the bundling and minification. As I described in my previous article, there are two ways to enable it. So you can use either of the ways. Here I am enabling it by setting the web.config file's compilation elements's debug attribute like the following:
<compilation debug="false" />
- So it is now time to be happy and test our work. So run the Welcome.chstml page and see you will get the following screen.
![chstml page]()
Now press F12 to see the real magic of the Web Optimization Framework.
Click on the Script tab and select the Test.aspx dropdown list. You can see js? some random string that is the bundle name.
![Script tab]()
Here if you have observed, instead of separate js files only one bundle is loading. You can see the real calling for the various resources into the Network tab. Here you can see, there is only one call for JavaScript files and one for CSS files.
![Network tab]()
If you have not seen this developer tool of Internet Explorer and you did not observe here for normal applications without an ASP.NET Optimization Framework then you might not be able to differentiate the real so for those people I can show you the proper difference.
Now just return to your web.config file and set debug = true and run the application and again press F12 , now you will get the following screen when you click on the Script tab:
![run the application]()
You can now see two separate JavaScript files loading separately so suppose you have added 20 js files to your view; then there are 20 separate calls made for 20 js files. Now just check in the network tab and you can see that there are 4 separate calls for 4 separate files.
Now I think you can better understand the use of the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework. So here in this article, I tried to cover all the basics of how to use the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework in your web page website.