This is an example of how to print an Invoice with C#. It shows.
- How to create a report using PrintPreviewDialog control and PrintDocument control?
- How to draw an Invoice head?
- How to draw the table of products and their prices?
- How to compute and draw an Invoice total?
My Project has three forms.
- frm Invoice: to bind DataGrid with all Orders from the Northwind database file.
- frm Input: Choose one Order for which you want to print its Invoice.
- frm Order: to display the Invoice on DataGrid, then you can Print a Preview or Print the Invoice as a Report.
Also, we need three classes for printing.
- System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog.
- System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog.
- System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.
Of course, you can use any database file instead of Northwind.mdb and change my code to connect with the database; also, you can change my SQL string to bind a DataGrid with data.
Example. Bind the DataGrid in from invoice form with all Orders.
// If you are using SQL Server, please replace previous lines with the following:
string strCon = @"provider=sqloledb;Data Source=PC;Initial Catalog=" +
"Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI" + ";";
// Replace 'Data Source=PC' with the name of your system
// Get data from tables: Orders, Customers, Employees, Products, Order Details:
string InvSql = "SELECT Customers.CompanyName, Customers.City, " +
"Employees.FirstName + Space(1) + Employees.LastName AS Salesperson, " +
"Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate, " +
"[Order Details].ProductID, Products.ProductName, [Order Details].UnitPrice, "
"[Order Details].Quantity, [Order Details].Discount, " +
"CCur([Order Details].UnitPrice * [Quantity] * (1 - [Discount]) / 100) * 100 AS ExtendedPrice, " +
"Orders.Freight " +
"FROM Products " +
"INNER JOIN ((Employees INNER JOIN " +
"ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID) " +
"INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) " +
"ON Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID;";
// Create an OleDbDataAdapter
OleDbDataAdapter datAdp = new OleDbDataAdapter(InvSql, strCon);
// Create a command builder
OleDbCommandBuilder cBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(datAdp);
// Create a DataTable to hold the query results
DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
// Fill the DataTable
// Set DataSource of DataGrid
datGrid.DataSource = dTable;
catch (Exception e)
Example. Bind the DataGrid in the frmOrder form with one Order.
// Declare 'InvoiceOrder' in 'clsGlobal' class, 'InvoiceOrder' is the number of Order which you select:
int intOrder = int.Parse(clsGlobal.InvoiceOrder);
string MyDataFile = Application.StartupPath + @"\DataFile\Northwind.mdb";
string MyPass = "";
string strCon = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" +
MyDataFile + ";" + "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + MyPass + ";";
// Get Invoice Data:
InvSql = "SELECT [Order Details].ProductID, " +
"Products.ProductName, [Order Details].UnitPrice, " +
"[Order Details].Quantity, [Order Details].Discount, " +
"CCur([Order Details].UnitPrice*[Quantity]*(1-[Discount])/100)*100 " +
"AS ExtendedPrice " +
"FROM Products INNER JOIN [Order Details] " +
"ON Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID " +
"WHERE [Order Details].OrderID = " + intOrder;
// Create an OleDbDataAdapter
OleDbDataAdapter datAdp = new OleDbDataAdapter(InvSql, strCon);
// Create a command builder
OleDbCommandBuilder cBuilder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(datAdp);
// Create a DataTable to hold the query results
DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
// Fill the DataTable
// Create a TableStyle to format Datagrid columns.
DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
foreach (DataColumn dc in dTable.Columns)
DataGridTextBoxColumn txtColumn = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
txtColumn.MappingName = dc.ColumnName;
txtColumn.HeaderText = dc.Caption;
switch (dc.ColumnName.ToString())
case "ProductID": // Product ID
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Product ID";
txtColumn.Width = 60;
case "ProductName": // Product Name
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Product Name";
txtColumn.Width = 110;
case "UnitPrice": // Unit Price
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Unit Price";
txtColumn.Format = "0.00";
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
txtColumn.Width = 60;
case "Discount": // Discount
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Discount";
txtColumn.Format = "p"; // percent
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
txtColumn.Width = 60;
case "Quantity": // Quantity
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Quantity";
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
txtColumn.Width = 50;
case "ExtendedPrice": // Extended Price
txtColumn.HeaderText = "Extended Price";
txtColumn.Format = "0.00";
txtColumn.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
txtColumn.Width = 90;
tableStyle.MappingName = dTable.TableName;
// Set DataSource of DataGrid
ordGrid.DataSource = dTable.DefaultView;
catch (Exception e)
Declare and initialize three instances for printing
In C#, you can declare and initialize instances of classes or objects to perform various tasks, including printing information to the console. In this article, we'll demonstrate how to declare and initialize three instances for printing.
Here is the code below that initializes three instances for printing.
private System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog prnDialog;
private System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog prnPreview;
private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument prnDocument;
this.prnDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog();
this.prnPreview = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog();
this.prnDocument = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
// The Event of 'PrintPage'
prnDocument.PrintPage += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(prnDocument_PrintPage);
To draw something on the report (as a line or text)
When creating reports, it's often necessary to add various elements like lines, text, shapes, or images to convey information effectively. Most reporting tools and frameworks provide features for drawing and adding elements to your reports. In this guide, we'll explore how to draw something on a report, be it a line or text, using a hypothetical reporting tool called "ReportBuilder."
Here is the code below To draw something on the report (as a line or text).
// Result of the Event 'PrintPage'
private void prnDocument_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
leftMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Left; // leftMargin, rightMargin, ... Declared before
rightMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Right;
topMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Top;
bottomMargin = (int)e.MarginBounds.Bottom;
InvoiceWidth = (int)e.MarginBounds.Width;
InvoiceHeight = (int)e.MarginBounds.Height;
// Draw Invoice Head
Font InvTitleFont = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Regular);
SolidBrush HeadBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
private void SetInvoiceHead(Graphics g)
// Invoice title:
string InvTitle = "International Food Company";
// Title Font:
Font InvTitleFont = new Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Regular);
// Title Color:
SolidBrush HeadBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
// Title Height:
int InvTitleHeight = (int)(InvTitleFont.GetHeight(g));
// Title Length:
int lenInvTitle = (int)g.MeasureString(InvTitle, InvTitleFont).Width;
// Coordinate:
int CurrentX = leftMargin + (InvoiceWidth - lenInvTitle) / 2; // to set the title in the center
int CurrentY = topMargin + InvTitleHeight;
// Draw the title:
g.DrawString(InvTitle, InvTitleFont, HeadBrush, CurrentX, CurrentY);
- Get Left Margin, Right Margin, Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Report Width and Report Height.
- Set Font and Color.
- Set the Font Height and Font Width and coordinate, then use the DrawString method.
The project has several pieces of code in three forms; please read the code, then run the program to see the result.