Using an Expression you can sum the values of a column in Reports automatically. I will show you a demo by which you can total the values of a column in reports.
Note: I am assuming that you can create the report. If you are a beginner to reports then see my earlier article "Getting Started with Reports in .NET".
Use the following procedure to understand this article.
Step 1: I will create a table named "Employee" in my database "Test".
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee](
[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Salary] [int] NULL
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('A',50000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('B',10000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('C',60000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('D',20000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('E',10000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('F',70000)
insert into Employee (Name,Salary)values('G',40000)
Select * from employee
Step 2: Create a page named "Default.aspx" with "ScriptManager" from the Ajax Extensions section, "SQLDataSource" from the Data section and "ReportViewer" Control from the Reporting section.
Bind the table columns with a "SQLDataSource" to access the data.
Step 3: Add a report named "Report.rdlc" and bind the dataset into the reports using Table.
![Add a report]()
Run the "Default.aspx" after adding the report named "Report.rdlc" to the "ReportViewer" control.
Purpose: I want to total the salary, in other words what is the total salary?
To do that I will use an "Expression" named RowNumber.
- Insert a new row on the following side that will be outside the group:
![outside from the group]()
Note: The Outside Group will create the single row after all the group rows whereas an Inside Group will create the single row after every single row within the group.
- Create the expression by right-clicking on that column and typing the total in the first column:
![column and type]()
- Select the "Aggregate" subcategory in the "Comman Functions" category and "Sum" as an item, then the expression will be like:
![Comman Functions]()
Then select the "Fields" as category and "Salary" as values, that will look like:
Click the "OK" button.
- Run the "Default.aspx".