Creating Slick User Interface for Windows Mobile

Future of  Windows Mobile platform

With rise of iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms, plenty of mobile developers are starting to question the future of Windows Mobile platform. Is it gonna last or is it already dead??

To answer this question you have to look at following statement: All mobile platforms have their own advantages but also disadvantages. These predestine them for their use. I don't want to go into deep details in this topic but the fact is that iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms are targeting consumer end-users. Those are usually normal people that want to impress their friends with various crazy gadgets, funny games or other totally useless applications.

These platforms are good for certain stuff such as browsing internet, sms, calling and normal daily use of anyone of use. But when it comes to enterprise applications, the good old Windows Mobile is still a clear winner. Surprised?  This was also confirmed by the research of Gartner, the most trusted and recognized research institution in the world,  in February 2011 for instance.

When it comes to enterprise application development, the third party developers are usually heavily restricted by the architecture of Google, Apple and Microsoft (Windows Phone). The application's file access is narrowed to only those applications that are associated with it. This helps the security but it limits lots of enterprise features such as the ability to work with internal radios to save battery life, battery information for better battery life management, ability to lock down or limit the user experience etc. 

Android developers must often develop device driver and application extensions since the fragmentation does not occur in the API layer but in the application layer. Windows Mobile devices often have BAR code scanners, RFID readers, they are able to sustain high temperatures, pressure, some of them are water proof and resistant to sand and dusts.

Windows Mobile Development

Since Windows Mobile is not an open source platform, the development is often not easy. The standard .NET framework used for Windows Mobile development is called Compact Framework. However, the controls included in .NET Compact Framework are very basic. The developer often needs to do a lot of routine programming to develop a good looking and user-friendly interface for intuitive navigation. Developers thus often use 3rd party controls and components when dealing with Windows Mobile platform.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit

Resco is a leading vendor of controls, components and libraries for Windows Mobile platform. Resco has over 3,500 corporate mobile developer customers and over 12 years of experience in industry. The main product, Resco MobileForms Toolkit was designed to help create neatly looking and user friendly environment for corporate Windows Mobile end-users.

Controls included in Resco MobileForms Toolkit Windows Mobile edition:


Most powerful control. You can absolutely freely design all rows in the list. This control will allow the end-user to select any row to display additional information. You can use smooth touch-scrolling and add any visual objects into the rows such as texts, images, hyperlinks, input text boxes, buttons, etc.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: AdvancedList  Resco MobileForms Toolkit: AdvancedList  Resco MobileForms Toolkit: AdvancedList 


Also one of the most widely used controls. This advanced grid control is able to present a large amount of data in a neatly organized way. Touch scrolling is also absolutely smooth. The grid is interactive and the developer can add various objects into the cells to edit the data including: input text boxes, check boxes, drop-down lists, and others

scrMFT-004.png scrMFT-005.png scrMFT-006.png 


With the help of this control, the user will be able to input data using: check boxes, radio buttons, drop down lists, text boxes, numeric UpDowns, date and time pickers and images. For better organization of the fields the user will be able to switch between screens using tabs.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: SmartGrid  Resco MobileForms Toolkit: SmartGrid Resco MobileForms Toolkit: SmartGrid 


This control is often being used instead of the native treeview, where the user can absolutely freely design all rows in the tree.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: AdvancedTree 

AdvancedComboBox and TouchComboBox

Drop down list controls with advanced graphic capabilities

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: AdvancedComboBox Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchComboBox 

Toolbar and TabControl

Presents items which can be represented by images or visual effects.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: Toolbar  Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TabControl 


The TouchPanel is a container for various controls. Developer can even apply an image to the background. It supports the touch scrolling.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchPanel Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchPanel 


Suitable for quick notes or signatures.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: InkBox 

KeyboardPro and CustomKeyboard

Original device keyboard and fully customizable keyboard suitable for comfortable user input.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: KeyboardPro Resco MobileForms Toolkit: CustomKeyboard 

LocationServices and GPS

Implements Google and Bing maps or manage the GPS location coordinates, position tracking and other functions.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: LocationServices 


Pie, Bar, Line, Doughnut and Area charts.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: CompactChart  Resco MobileForms Toolkit: CompactChart 


Formatted text displaying and editing (fonts, styles, alignment, color, bullets, numbering, hyperlinks, protected texts). Support for RTF files and plain text.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: RichTextBox 


Displays different image upon user click. Various other properties.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ImageButton 


Shows pop up dialog.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: MessageBox 


Label with transparent background.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TransparentLabel 


Shortcut control can be divided into groups accessible through group buttons.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ShortcutBar 


Progress bar tracking progress of any process. Various options such as colors, gradient, boarders, pictures, blocks…

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ProgressBar Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ProgressBar 


Displays additional info for items that cannot be displayed due to lack of space.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: Tooltip 


Control for easy input of numbers.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: NumericUpDown 


Browse screen content. Ability to adjust arrows, thumbs and tracks or add letterbar.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ScrollBar Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ScrollBar 


Text box with support for rounded corners, additional buttons, image background and other features.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchTextBox 

TouchRadioButton and TouchCheckBox

Edit box can be resized or you can put image or set color, alignment or transparent background.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchRadioButton Resco MobileForms Toolkit: TouchCheckBox 


Restricts user input to letters, capital letters or numbers. Allows password input.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: MaskedTextBox 

Month and WeekCalendar

Customizable cells of days, hours. Supports images, gradient and other graphic capabilities.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: MonthCalendar Resco MobileForms Toolkit: WeekCalendar 

DateTimePicker and TouchDateTimePicker

Select date, time or combination of both. Touch scrolling functionality allowed

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: DateTimePicker and TouchDateTimePicker Resco MobileForms Toolkit: DateTimePicker and TouchDateTimePicker 


Zoom, crop, rotate, invert colors, brightness, contrast, gamma correction…

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: ImageBox 


Playing and recording sound (mp3, wav, ogg, spx, raf)

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: Audio 


Access to mobile device's call history database.

Resco MobileForms Toolkit: CallHistory 


WebDAV client establishes connection with WebDAV server.


Compress and decompress files or folders.


Access to SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card information.


Access to WiFi, Bluetooth and phone device.

For more information check out the website:

Or send us your feedback: [email protected]

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