Categories Custom Properties in PropertyGrid in C#

First look at the Form :


As for the code now:

Create one class for your custom properties. Declare all variables depending on your properties.

private string myFirstName = "";

private string myLastName = "";

private string myGender = "";

private string myAddress = "";

private string myContact = "";

Also you can set the default selected property in the PropertyGrid.


Declare the constructor for getting the values of the variables.

public mySetCustomeProperty(string fn, string ln, string gen, string add, string con)

    myFirstName = fn;
    myLastName = ln;
    myGender = gen;
    myAddress = add;
    myContact = con;

Then Write the properties & also write the logic for the get & set the value for the particular variable.

public string FirstName

    get { return myFirstName;}
    set { myFirstName =value ;}

For the category use the "CategoryAttribute" keyword above each property. Set the same name that you want to keep in one category.


In the above code all the properties written below this line will be displayed in the Name Category.

Then create the object of the created class & pass the related parameters into it.

mySetCustomeProperty myObj = new mySetCustomeProperty(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, cmbGender.SelectedItem.ToString (), txtAddress.Text, txtContactNumber.Text);

Finally load all the properties into the PropertyGrid.

myPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = myObj;

On the button Click event it will load all the properties into the PropertyGrid & display them in the categories.

private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    mySetCustomeProperty myObj = new mySetCustomeProperty(txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, cmbGender.SelectedItem.ToString (), txtAddress.Text, txtContactNumber.Text);
    myPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = myObj;

See the following images:



Hope this will clear to you...

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