To Find Installed Version of .Net Framework Using CLR Version Tool

In this article I am sharing thoughts on "Clrver.exe", how it works, and the advantages of it.

To determine which .NET Framework has been installed on the system, look for the "MSCorEE.dll" file in the "%SystemRoot%\System32" directory. The existence of this file tells you that the .NET Framework is installed. However, several versions of the .NET Framework can be installed on a single machine simultaneously. If you want to determine exactly which versions of the .NET Framework are installed, examine the subdirectories under the following directories.



As an example, these files are installed on my system in the following directories.



Let's proceed

The .NET Framework SDK includes a command-line utility called "CLRVer.exe" that shows all of the

CLR versions are installed on a machine. This utility can also show which version of the CLR is being used by processes currently running on the machine using "-all".

To run this command, open a Visual Studio command prompt and kindly use the following.

"Start" => "All Programs" => "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010" => "Visual Studio Tools" "Visual Studio command Prompt".


The following window will appear.

Microsoft visual studio\

Now type the desired command "CLRVer.exe", it will show you the installed version of the .Net Framework as depicted in the following window.

Desired command

As you can see in the image above, there are two versions of the .Net framework installed on my system; refer to the image given above.

There are a few options that run with this command described by the following.

The following command displays all the versions of the CLR installed on the computer.


The following command displays the versions of the CLR used by a process.

Clrver pid

For example, the following command displays the versions of the CLR used by the process 9934.

Clrver 9934


The following command displays all the managed processes and the version of the CLR they are using.

Clrver -all

Clrver all

Hope you enjoyed this little demonstration. It will help you somewhere.

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