Tic Tac Toe Game in C#

This article provides a sample TIC TAC TOE 2 player game in C#.


Tic Tac Toe is a simple game that, if played optimally by both the players, will always result in a tie. However, many players (especially the younger children) still enjoy it, and Tic Tac Toe can be made significantly more complex by increasing the size of the board.

It is a two player game. The goal of Tic Tac Toe is to be the first player to get three in a row on a 3x3 grid, or you can increase the number of boards.


Tic Tac Toe game

Global variables

// here we define variables

int xWins = 0;

int yWins = 0;

int d = 0;

Button[] b = new Button[9];

Form load event

//Here form will be loaded like a program load in to memory

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    // here is the loop of 9 iterations because we want 3x3 board and then              
    //putting in theflowLayoutPanel

     for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


            b[i] = new Button();

            b[i].Width = 100;

            b[i].Height = 100;

            b[i].Click += new EventHandler(Form1_Click);               




Reset Function

/// Reset is function who clear the board.

/// </summary>

void reset()


     for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


            b[i].Enabled = true;

            b[i].Text = "";

            draw = 0;



Form click event

void Form1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        Button bt = (Button)sender;

        if (flag == 0)


            bt.Text = "X";

            label10.Text = "O";

            flag = 1;               




            bt.Text = "O";

            label10.Text = "X";

            flag = 0;


        bt.Enabled = false;


        //call check funtion for conditions


        if (draw == 9)


            MessageBox.Show("Game Draw");


            label6.Text = d.ToString();




Check Function

void check() // Here is the check() function in which conditions will full fill.


    //FOr Rows

    if (b[0].Text == b[1].Text && b[1].Text == b[2].Text && b[0].Text!="")


            MessageBox.Show(b[0].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[0].Text == "X")



                    label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                    label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        if (b[3].Text == b[4].Text && b[4].Text == b[5].Text && b[3].Text != "")


                MessageBox.Show(b[3].Text + " Wins");

                if (b[3].Text == "X")



                    label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                    label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        if (b[6].Text == b[7].Text && b[7].Text == b[8].Text && b[6].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[6].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[6].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        //For Coloums

        if (b[0].Text == b[3].Text && b[3].Text == b[6].Text && b[0].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[0].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[0].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        if (b[1].Text == b[4].Text && b[4].Text == b[7].Text && b[1].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[1].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[1].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        if (b[2].Text == b[5].Text && b[5].Text == b[8].Text && b[2].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[2].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[2].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        //For Diagnols

        if (b[0].Text == b[4].Text && b[4].Text == b[8].Text && b[0].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[0].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[0].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();




        if (b[2].Text == b[4].Text && b[4].Text == b[6].Text && b[2].Text != "")


            MessageBox.Show(b[2].Text + " Wins");

            if (b[2].Text == "X")



                label3.Text = xWins.ToString();





                label4.Text = yWins.ToString();





I have also attached the source code so you can download it and run it on your PC.

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