Risk Analysis in Software Testing Risk Analysis is very essential for software testing. In software testing, risk analysis is the process of identifying risks in applications and prioritizing them to test. A risk is a potential for loss or damage to an organization from materialized threats. Risk Analysis attempts to identify all the risks and then quantify the severity of the risks. A threat as we have seen is a possible damaging event. If it occurs, it exploits vulnerability in the security of a computer based system.Items with higher risk values should be tested early and often. Items with lower risk value can be tested later, or not at all. It can also be used with defects.How to perform Risk Analysis during software testing When a test plan has been created, risks involved in testing the product are to be taken into consideration along with the possibility of their occurrence and the damage they may cause along with solutions; if any. Detailed study of this is called Risk Analysis. Some of the risks could be: