You can add /create test suites based on requirements or user stories and group your test cases together in test suites.
You can also create suites by selecting existing test cases or adding new test cases. You can then add manual test steps to these test cases.
You can also associate automated tests with your test cases so that you can run them from a plan.
Adding Test Suite to Test Plan
Here I am stating some steps for creating the test suite into a test plan using the Microsoft Test Manager 2010:
- Go To Programs and Open Microsoft Test Manager.
- First add the test plan into the team project.
- Click on Plan, then Content from Testing Centre. The contents are displayed.
- Select the location where you want to create the "New" Test Suite from the test suite hierarchy panel and click on "New" to create the test suite.
- Click on "Suite". A new suite will be added to the test plan.
Rename the test suite from Test Plan: After adding the test suite into the test plan under the testing centre, the tester can rename the test suite as needed for the project .
Step 1
Go to the Test Plan section. Select the test suite from the test plan.
Step 2
Right-click on the particular test suite's folder. Various options are shown (Rename, Cut, Copy, Delete etc.).
Step 3
Click on the "Rename" Option. The user can rename the test suite to a new name.