In this article I would like to share the procedure to configure the outgoing email settings for a SharePoint farm using Central Administration.
Use of configure outgoing email for a farm
- It enables users to create alerts to track such site items as lists, libraries, and documents
- By using this end users can send the mail by using workflows, track the changes and updates to individual site collections.
- Administrators can receive the notices when users request to access the site
Procedure to configure outgoing email for a farm
Before you configure the email for a farm, you should have configured the SMTP on your server or you should have a configured mail server address.
Use the following procedure to configure outgoing email for a farm.
Step 1: Go to Central Administration using a farm administrator account as shown below:
![central administration]()
Step 2: In Central Administration, click on system settings in the left navigation. Then you will be navigated to the system settings page.
![system settings]()
Step 3: On the system settings page, in the “E-mail and Text Messages (SMS)” section select the “Configure Outgoing E-mail Settings”.
Step 4: When you click on the “Configure Outgoing e-mail settings”, you will be navigated to the outgoing email settings page as shown below.
Step 5: On E-mail settings page, provide the following details:
- Outbound SMTP server: Type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example,
- From Address: Type the e-mail address as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients
- Reply-to-address: Type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
- Character Set: select the character set that is appropriate for your language.
Then click on the “OK” button to save the settings,
![save the settings]()
Finally the settings will be changed on your Central Administration farm.
In this article we have explored how to configure the outgoing email settings for a SharePoint farm by using Central Administration. Happy learning.