Social Networks
![Social Networks]()
Email Services
To share your page in Social networks, your page must have meta tags for Page title, Url, description and image.
Page Meta Tags
I have mentioned the meta tags of my application page in the following code,
- <meta property="og:title" content=".Net Bug Buster" />
- <meta property="og:description" content=".Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles." />
- <meta property="og:url" content="" />
- <meta property="og:image" content=http:
Social Network Sharing
Every Social network have share link, you just need to pass some parameters like Url and summary, etc.
I have mentioned the code snippet to use Facebook share here,
- <a title="Share on Facebook" href="" onclick="popupwindowAtCenter(this.href,'Share on Facebook',600,600);return false;" >
- <img src="" alt="facebook" /></a></td>
To tweet on twitter it requires Url, source and tweet text. Here you just need to remember tweet should not more than 140 characters including text and Url.
Below I have mentioned the code snippet to use twitter sharer:
- <a title="Share on twitter" href="" onclick="popupwindowAtCenter(this.href,'Share on Twitter',600,600);return false;">
- <img src="" alt="twitter" /></a>
LinkedIn - <a title="Share on linkedin" href=" Bug Buster&summary=.Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles&source=Nursingcenter" onclick="popupwindowAtCenter(this.href,'Share on Linked In',600,600);return false;">
- <img src="" alt="Linked In" /></a>
Google + - <a title="Share on Google+" href=https:
- <img src="" alt="Google +" /></a>
Reddit - <a title="Share on Reddit" href=" Bug Buster" onclick="popupwindowAtCenter(this.href,'Share on Reddit',600,600);return false;">
- <img src="" alt="Google +" /></a>
In the above links, to open a page in popup window I have used the following JavaScript function,
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function popupwindowAtCenter(url, title, w, h)
- {
- var left = (screen.width / 2) - (w / 2);
- var top = (screen.height / 2) - (h / 2);
- return, title, 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left);
- }
- </script>
Email Services
If you need to share your page link or text with email services like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook,
- <a title="Share with Outlook" href="mailto:?subject=Dotnet bug buster&body= <br/>.Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles">
- <img src="" alt="outlook" /></a>
Gmail - <a target="_blank" title="Share with Gmail" href=" Bug Buster&to&body= <br>.Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles &scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1#identifier">
- <img src="" alt="gmail" /></a>
- <a target="_blank" title="Share with Yahoo mail" href=" Bug Buster&To=&Body=<br/>.Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles">
- <img src="" alt="yahoo" /></a>
Outlook Web - <a target="_blank" title="Share with Outlook web" href=" Bug Buster&to=&body=<br><br>.Net Bug Buster is my personal blog where i can post ASP.Net, C#, Linq, Kentico, Sql Server, MVC and Azure related articles&lc=1033&id=64855&mkt=en-us&cbcxt=mai">
- <img src="" alt="Outlook web" /></a>
![Outlook Web]()