A Data Source Name (DSN) provides connectivity to a database using an ODBC driver. The DSN contains database name, directory, database driver, User ID, password and other information. Once you create a DSN for a specific database, you can use the DSN in an application to call information from the database.There are the following three types of DSNs:
This article explains:
1. How to create ODBC DSNTo create an ODBC DSN go to the Control Panel first then find Administrative Tools. Go To ODBC Data Sources.That will open a dialog. Go to the System DSN Tab and click on the Add button to add a new System DSN.Select Data Source Type and Click to Finish. Provide a name for your DSN and Description (if you want) and select the server name or IP Address of your SQL Server System IP Address.Select Authentication Type as either Windows or SQL Server Authentication in which your server works with the client systems and click Next.Now check the checkbox to change the default Database:Click Next again.Now test your ODBC Data Source. You can see now your DSN name in the DSN name List.2. How to Add in Server ExplorerIn Visual Studio Open Server Explorer.Right-click on Data Connections and click Add Connection…Select The ODBC Data Source from the list to use the DSN and click OK for next.Select your DSN Name from all the System data source names and click OK.Now you can see all the Tables of your Database.Table Data:3. How to Use in ASP.NET web siteNow let's see how to use a DSN in ASP.NET Web forms. Go to Visual Studio and create a web site.This is an "ASP.NET Empty Web Site" solution.Now go to web.config and add a ConnectionString Object with the name of DSN Name.Now add a Web Form to get any table by DSN.Specify the name of the page.Now add a Grid View Control to the page to show the table to the control.Write the code to execute the command by OdbcDataAdapter Class object and use the ConfigurationManager to get the connection string. Code