Pin The Task Manager To The Taskbar And Metro Start Screen In Windows 8


In this article, we are explaining how to add the Task Manager to the Taskbar and to the Start screen in Windows 8. In the Task Manager, we can view and manage running applications and services, it's a very useful part of Windows 8. It provides more information and us to perform basic administrative tasks.
Step 1
First we open the Windows 8 start screen in our Desktop.
Step 2
We open Windows Explorer to the Task Manager to the following directory:
Step 3
We find the Taskmgr.exe file and right-click and select the "Send To" option and send it to the Desktop from the popup menu.
It is not necessary for "Taskmgr.exe" to be present in your system. Instead, it can be "TM.exe".
Step 4
A new shortcut is added to the Desktop called "Taskmgr.exe". If we want to change the name of the shortcut, then we can rename it.
Step 5
Drag the shortcut to the Taskbar to pin it there.
Step 6
To add a Task Manager tile to the Start screen, we search for the Task Manager in the apps. The Search box automatically displays and the search term is entered.
Step 7
The results of your search is displayed on the left side of the screen. Right-click on the Task Manager block.
Step 8
Then we see the bottom of the screen and click the Pin to Start icon.
Notice That we can also Pin the Task Manager to the Taskbar from these options, as well.
Step 9
The Task Manager tile is added to the far right side of the Start screen. For quicker access, drag the tile to the far left side of the Start screen, since that is the side that displays first when you open the Start screen.
Now we can quickly access the system and application information, change the settings for startup programs and users, view detailed information about processes, and start and stop services. We can still use Ctrl + Shift + Esc to access the Task Manager, but for those of us who prefer to use the mouse, these shortcuts are handy.


In this article, we learned about Pin The Task Manager To The Taskbar And Metro Start Screen In Windows 8.

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