In the following example I am going to explain how we can retrieve data using client side programming using jQuery in SharePoint.
I am trying to add Content Editor WebPart using jQuery and binding some text and styles.
Files Structure
Create the following folder structure to manage source files and store respective files in folder.
Figure 1: Create Folder
Create New WebPart Page in Site pages
Create WebPart page in Site Pages library and add the Content Editor WebPart as in the following screenshot, update the WebPart Content link to template file path.
Figure 2: Web Part
Figure 3: Site Content
Figure 4: Site Content2
Figure 5: Welcome
Source Code
- <p>
- <h1>Welcome to RK Site</h1>
- </p>
- <p class="sampleText"></p>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../SiteAssets/RK/JS/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../../SiteAssets/RK/JS/RK_Home.js"></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../SiteAssets/RK/CSS/RK_Home.css" >
- RK_Home.js
- $(document).ready(function ()
- {
- $(".sampleText").text("This data coming using client side programming in SharePoint");
- });
- RK_Home.css
- .sampleText
- {
- font-weight:bold;
- color:red;
- }
Final Output
Browse the new home page, you can see the final output.
Figure 6: RK Home