Edit Right-Click Context Menu in Windows 8


The right-click or Context Menu is a pop-up menu that appears when you right-click on any file or folder. The Context Menu provides many options for easily sending, copying, cutting, etc. to a selected file or folder from one place to another place.
In this article, we are going to explain how to add and remove items from the right-click Context Menu. In Windows, the right-click Context Menu provides a shortcut way to work with any file immediately. There are several options that exist in the Context Menu such as "Send To", "Open with" etc. But if you want to add another option such as "Move To", "Copy To" in the right-click menu then you can custom-create an item for the Context Menu.
Step 1
Go in "Search box" and type "Run" and click on the application that appears or press "Win key + R".
Step 2
In the run window type "REGEDIT" and click "OK".
Step 3
A "Registry Editor" window will be opened; in this window click on "Computer".
Step 4
In this step go on  "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > * > Shellex > ContextMenuHandlears ".
Step 5
In this step right-click on "ContextMenuHandlears" and select "Key" from the "New" option.
Step 6
In this step enter your item name. If you want to delete any item then simply select the item and right-click and select "Delete".
Step 7
In this step select the new item and go to "default" in the next tab and right-click on this and select "Modify".
Step 8
In this step, copy the following code and paste it into the "Value data" and click "OK".
If you want to create a "Move To" option then use this code:
  1. {C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}   
If you want to create a "Copy To" option then use this code:
  1. {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}   
Step 9
Now go to the Desktop screen and right-click on any file or folder and the "Move To" item will be displayed.


In this article, we learned about Edit Right-Click Context Menu in Windows 8. 

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