Various Ways to Shutdown Windows 8 PC


The Windows 8 Start Menu has been removed and replaced by a new feature, the Start screen. Along with the removal of the Start Menu, several other features have also has been removed such as the popular shutdown button in Start Menu. If you want to shut down your computer then there is no direct way to shut down the computer. To shut down the PC you have to go to the charm bar, click on Setting, click on the Power option and then you can shut down your computer. That is a very long process to shut down the computer. But the good news is that in Windows 8 there is more than one way to shut down the PC.
In this article, we are going to explain how to shut down a Windows 8 PC in various ways. Windows 8 provides various ways to shut down the computer.
Shut down a Windows 8 PC in various ways.
Method 1
Shutdown PC through the Charms Bar.
Go in the Charms Bar and click on the setting. Where you will see the power option. Click on the power option.
Method 2
Shutdown PC with the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key.
Press the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" button on the keyboard. There you will see a window displaying various options. Go to the right-button and click on the Power option.
Method 3
Shutdown with the "Alt+F4" button.
Press "Alt+F4" and a Shutdown window will be opened; click on "OK" to shutdown the PC.
Method 4
Shutdown PC with Shortcuts.
Right-click on the Desktop screen and select "Shortcut" from the "new" option. In this window type "shutdown.exe /s /t 0" and click on "Next". And follow the creating shortcut steps.
After creating the shortcut icon double-click on this icon to shut down your computer.
Method 5
Shutdown PC with command prompt.
Open a command prompt as administrator and type in the command "shutdown.exe /? ", then press enter.


In this article, we learned about Various Ways to Shutdown Windows 8 PC.  

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