In this article we are explaining how to create default tiles in Windows Store apps without any coding. In Windows Store apps a tile is an application symbol that display on the Start Screen. In Desktop applications a tile is known as an application icon. The application tile contains two images; the first is a normal logo of the size (150 * 150) and the second is a wide logo with the size (310 * 150). You can switch from normal to wide and wide to normal by right-clicking on the Start Screen.
How to create a default tile in Windows Store apps
Step 1
Open Visual Studio 2012 and start a new Windows Store app or open an existing project.
Step 2
Go to Solution Explorer and double-click on "Package.appxmanifest" to open it.
Step 3
In "Package.appxmanifest" go to the "Application UI" tab.
Step 4
In the Application UI scroll down to the Tile. In the Tile click on the Logo Browse and select the tiles image (the image size must be 150 * 150, .png). If you want to create a wide logo click on the wide logo Browse and select the wide logo (the image size must be 310 * 150, .png).
If you want to give the tile name then type the application name in the short name option. You can also set the tile color instead of image using the background color option.
Step 5
Now run you application and go to the Start Screen; you will see your default tile. Right-click and select "Smaller" to switch from smaller to wider.