Fire Detecting Using Arduino

Flame sensor

Figure 1: Flame Sensor
  • It is used to detect and respond to the presence of Flame (or) Fire.
  • The detected flame depends on the installation.
  • We will also include sounding an alarm.
Where We Can Fix 
  • Schools/Colleges
  • Transport
  • Industrial Furnaces etc
Part Of List:
  • Arduino Uno
  • Flame Sensor
  • Jumper Wire
  • USB Cable
  • Bread Board.
Flame Sensor to Arduino:
Step 1: Vcc =Postive voltage input 5v
Step 2: A0 =Analog input pin to Arduino
Step 3: Gnd =Gnd to Gnd.
Figure 2: Buzzer.
Step 1:
Fix the buzzer on the breadboard.
Step 2: Connect the positive pin to digital pin 9.
Step 3: Connect the negative pin to Gnd.
Figure 3:LED
Step 1:
Fix the led in the breadboard.
Step 2: Connect the positive pin to digital pin 2.
Step 3: Connect the negative pin to Gnd.
  1. #include < SoftwareSerial.h >  
  2.     int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for the LDR  
  3. int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor  
  4. int led = 2; // Output pin for LED  
  5. int buzzer = 9; // Output pin for Buzzer  
  6. void setup()  
  7. {  
  8.     // declare the ledPin and buzzer as an OUTPUT:  
  9.     pinMode(led, OUTPUT);  
  10.     pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);  
  11.     Serial.begin(9600);  
  12. }  
  13. void loop()  
  14. {  
  15.     Serial.println("Welcome to c#corner");  
  16.     sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);  
  17.     Serial.println(sensorValue);  
  18.     if (sensorValue < 100)  
  19.     {  
  20.         Serial.println("Fire Detected");  
  21.         Serial.println("LED on");  
  22.         digitalWrite(led, HIGH);  
  23.         digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);  
  24.         delay(1000);  
  25.     }  
  26.     digitalWrite(led, LOW);  
  27.     digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);  
  28.     delay(sensorValue);  
  • This fire can be lightly spread and it will produced a sound.
  • Then automatically emergency light also gets ON.
  • The value of the sensor can be see in the serial monitor.
  • When Fire is detected the led can be on (HIGH).
Figure 5: Output

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