This tool gives you the functionality to Export SQL table data in excel file and in CSV format. Using this tool you can connect to database using server name and credential, then choose table name as you want to export data. This tool is for those who have no knowledge of SQL Server and need to export table data In that case you can download this tool and use it. Limitation of this tool: This tool supportS export data count-maximum count 4500. I will upgrade this tool for maximum number of data. Stay in touch with my blog. Now I will show you how to use this tool. Step 1: Launch Export Tool. Step 2: Then you need to enter data in mandatory field of this window. Put your server name/ip and database name in case of window authentication, but in case of server authentication you need to put login detail for connecting to the server and database. In case of Server Authentication, you need to fill all these details in this form and then click on Connect button. In case of window authentication you need to fill the following detail. After clicking on connect button you can get this popup message for confirmation. Step 3: After that you need to select table name and column name using checkbox. You can choose column name as per report requirement. You can select one column name or multiple columns. It depends on your requirement. Step 4: After clicking on preview button you will see this window popup with your existing data in table. Step 5: Now you can export table data in Excel file and CSV format using these buttons. Step 6: Now I will show you how to export data in Excel file. Step 7: After completing the above step you can see confirmation message of file creation. Your file gets created with your table name. Step 8: Now you can see your file at specified path.