Introduction to HTML5

Introduction to HTML5

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and XHTML with new features like Drawing, Animation, Video, and Audio, etc. It is used to solve some of the more common structural problems encountered with HTML 4.1. It gives more flexibility to both web developers and web designers and can enable more exciting and interactive websites and more powerful and efficient applications. The HTML 5 <! doctype html> is recognized by all modern browsers.
HTML5 brings a whole new dimension to the web world. It can embed video on web-pages without using any special software like Flash. HTML5 is being developed in such a way that the developers need not waste their time and effort in creating an error-free web page. Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer all support <! doctype html>.
Why we use HTML5
The main benefit of HTML5 is that it supports Drawing, Animation, Video, and Audio.
Web developers can decrease the complexity and the time to create applications with animations, play music (audio and video), high-quality drawings and other rich content using HTML 5 because it can embed a video on web-pages without using any special software like Flash.
HTML5 is far easier for web designers and web developers to know how a web page is structured.
HTML5 with new elements improved semantic because it is easier to see which parts of the page are header, nav, section, article, aside and footers, aside, etc.
HTML5 denotes to scripting of Application Programming Interface (API) including new APIs like Drag and drop, Database storage offline, editing of the document, canvas 2D APIs, etc.
HTML5 has improved the impact of text inputs, search boxes, validating data, focusing, and interacting with other page elements.
New elements that are added in HTML 5:
  1. <article>
  2. <aside>
  3. <audio>
  4. <canvas>
  5. <command>
  6. <datalist>
  7. <details>
  8. <embed>
  9. <figcaption>
  10. <figure>
  11. <footer>
  12. <header>
  13. <hgroup>
  14. <keygen>
  15. <mark>
  16. <meter>
  17. <nav>
  18. <output>
  19. <progress>
  20. <rp>
  21. <rt>
  22. <ruby>
  23. <section>
  24. <source>
  25. <summary>
  26. <time>
  27. <video>
  28. <wbr>
And these are elements that are dropped in HTML 5:
  1. <acronym>
  2. <applet>
  3. <basefont>
  4. <big>
  5. <center>
  6. <dir>
  7. <font>
  8. <frame>
  9. <frameset>
  10. <isindex>
  11. <noframes>
  12. <s>
  13. <strike>
  14. <tt>
  15. <u>
  16. <xmp>
Total elements supported by HTML 5:
  1. <!-->
  2. <!DOCTYPE>
  3. <a>
  4. <abbr>
  5. <address>
  6. <area>
  7. <article>
  8. <aside>
  9. <audio>
  10. <b>
  11. <base>
  12. <bdo>
  13. <blockquote>
  14. <body>
  15. <br>
  16. <button>
  17. <canvas>
  18. <caption>
  19. <cite>
  20. <code>
  21. <col>
  22. <colgroup>
  23. <command>
  24. <datalist>
  25. <dd>
  26. <del>
  27. <details>
  28. <dfn>
  29. <div>
  30. <dl>
  31. <dt>
  32. <em>
  33. <embed>
  34. <fieldset>
  35. <figcaption>
  36. <figure>
  37. <footer>
  38. <form>
  39. <h1>-<h6>
  40. <head>
  41. <header>
  42. <hgroup>
  43. <hr>
  44. <html>
  45. <i>
  46. <iframe>
  47. <img>
  48. <input>
  49. <ins>
  50. <keygen>
  51. <kbd>
  52. <label>
  53. <legend>
  54. <li>
  55. <link>
  56. <map>
  57. <mark>
  58. <menu>
  59. <meta>
  60. <meter>
  61. <nav>
  62. <noscript>
  63. <object>
  64. <ol>
  65. <optgroup>
  66. <option>
  67. <output>
  68. <p>
  69. <param>
  70. <pre>
  71. <progress>
  72. <q>
  73. <rp>
  74. <rt>
  75. <ruby>
  76. <samp>
  77. <script>
  78. <section>
  79. <select>
  80. <small>
  81. <source>
  82. <span>
  83. <strong>
  84. <style>
  85. <sub>
  86. <summary>
  87. <sup>
  88. <table>
  89. <tbody>
  90. <td>
  91. <textarea>
  92. <tfoot>
  93. <th>
  94. <thead>
  95. <time>
  96. <title>
  97. <tr>
  98. <ul>
  99. <var>
  100. <video>
  101. <wbr>

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