Let's assume you are trying to create a location-based mobile application for Android. What framework will you prefer? Phonegap? Or is there a better option?As a result of my studys, we can use PhoneGap to wrap HTML/CSS/JavaScript mobile web apps to create native apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry and so on. There are many other frameworks, tools and libraries for creating mobile applications. And from my experience I would be very careful with a HTML mobile framework. They tend to be heavy and require many CSS/HTML elements. I suggest use of jQuery and a target webkit (iOS and Android) and try to optimize your DOM and UI components as much as possible. Then, you can move to other browsers.If you are building an offline application, you can use MVC. Anyway, the rule is that the less framework you use the better you are. So, pick carefully and be sure they are not a Kitchen sink.The following is the list of Top 10 Frameworks for build mobile applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.