This article explains Managed Metadata Services in SharePoint 2013.Let's see how to configure a managed metadata service application in SharePoint 2013.Open SharePoint Central Administration.Click on Manage service applications.
On the page click New -> Managed metadata service.
On this window, enter the name of the service application.Enter the database name.I am using WSS_Metadata_Service_App.Create a new application pool “Metadata_Apppool”.The configurable account will be “CRAZYSHAREPOINT\Spfarm”.Click OK to complete.Now see that the Managed metadata service application has been configured successfully.Click on managed metadata service application.Add users under term store administrators and grant a permission to create a term and term sets.Added CRAZYSHAREPOINT\Spadmin.Click Save.Click on New Group.Create a group named books.Click under the new group to create a new term set.Enter SPAdmin as a group manager permissions.Now I will create a new term set under books.Create a new group named “Books".Create a term set named “Sharepoint'.Create a terms.SharePoint DeveloperSharePoint AdministratorNow open a team site.Create a Document Library.Create a new column named Category → Column type: Managed Metadata.Select your term set.Now your Document Library looks like this.Now upload a new document.Click Save.Now the new terms have been added to the documents.Happy SharePointRegards: Vinodh.N(Sharepoint Developer\Administrator).