Release a Windows Phone Beta App

If you are developing in the cloud and cannot build directly to a device, or you need a Test Flight like service, the Beta distribution channel in the Windows Phone store is for you. This guide will briefly cover how to setup beta access for your next project.

Visit and login with your developer account. Choose “Windows Phone Store”. There is no beta option for the Windows Store.

Dashboard in Windows Phone

Click on “Submit App”. Even though this won't be a public app, we still need to setup and prepare for the store system.

Submitting App in Windows Phone

First, fill out your App Info. Here we'll give it a name, select a category and choose distribution (beta).

App Information in Windows Phone

Under “More options”, select Beta for the distribution channel. Enter email addresses for each beta tester. This address will need to be associated with a Windows Phone store account in order to test.

App Options in Windows Phone

Now let's upload our beta app package to the store. Click the box with the #2.

Beta App Package

Add new and select the build you want to beta test. You'll also need to add a description, an icon and one screenshot.

When you want to update this beta, simply access this screen in the future and select “Replace”.

Uploading App Package

Almost finished. Click “Review and Submit”.

App Review and Submit

One last screen to verify all the details, with a helpful alert stating that the audience is restricted to beta users.

Packages in Windows Phone

Your beta has been submitted successfully. It should be available for testing within 2 hours. You will receive an email with a link to the app soon.

App Submission

The link highlighted below can be shared with your beta testers. Be sure to test first and ensure it's available before sending to avoid confusion!

App info

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