New Aside Tag Introduced in HTML 5


This is a new tag introduced in HTML5. The <aside> tag is used to enclose content that is tangentially related to other content; the element may be associated within an article or web page and is typically useful for marking up sidebars. It gives additional information to present that can improve an article. When you use an aside tag within an article tag then the content of the aside tag should be specifically related to that article. When you use an aside tag outside of an article tag then the content of the aside tag must be related to the web site.
  1. <aside  
  2. accesskey="spaced list of accelerator key(s)"  
  3. class="class name(s)"  
  4. contenteditable="true | false | inherit"  
  5. contextmenu="id of menu"  
  6. data-X="user-defined data"  
  7. dir="ltr | rtl"  
  8. draggable="true | false | auto"  
  9. hidden="hidden"  
  10. id="unique alphanumeric identifier"  
  11. itemid="microdata id in URL format"  
  12. itemprop="microdata value"  
  13. itemref="space-separated list of IDs that may contain microdata"  
  14. itemscope="itemscope"  
  15. itemtype="microdata type in URL format"  
  16. lang="language code"  
  17. spellcheck="true | false"  
  18. style="style information"  
  19. tabindex="number"  
  20. title="advisory text"></aside>  
HTML5 Event Attributes
onabort onblur oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange
onclick oncontextmenu ondblclick ondrag ondragend
ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop
ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus
onformchange onforminput oninput oninvalid onkeydown
onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata
onloadstart onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover
onmouseup onmousewheel onpause onplay onplaying
onprogress onratechange onreadystatechange onscroll onseeked
onseeking onselect onshow onstalled onsubmit
onsuspend ontimeupdate onvolumechange onwaiting  
  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML >  
  2. <html>  
  3.     <head>  
  4.         <title></title>  
  5.     </head>  
  6.     <body>  
  7.         <aside style="font-size: larger; font-style: italic; color: Black;">  
  8.             <h1>  
  9.             Our Network</h1>  
  10.             <ul>  
  11.                 <li>  
  12.                     <a style="text-decoration: none"   
  13. ref="">VB.NETHEAVEN</a>  
  14.                 </li>  
  15.                 <li>  
  16.                     <a style="text-decoration: none" href="">C# Corner</a>  
  17.                 </li>  
  18.                 <li>  
  19.                     <a style="text-decoration: none" href="">DbTalks </a>  
  20.                 </li>  
  21.             </ul>  
  22.         </aside>  
  23.         <aside style="font-size: larger; font-style: italic; color: green; float: right;  
  24.         width: 200px;">  
  25.             <h1>  
  26.            Working With Area Tag in HTML5</h1>  
  27.             <p>  
  28.             The area tag is used only within a map tag. The area tag is used to define the areas  
  29.             on the image map that whenever the user clicks on the area the other page that the  
  30.             user is navigated to. The image map is used to divide the image into clickable areas  
  31.             and the clickable areas work like a hyperlink.  
  32.         </p>  
  33.             <p>  
  34.             For more click on this link Valon Ademi .</p>  
  35.         </aside>  
  36.         <header>  
  37.             <h1>  
  38.             My Article</h1>  
  39.         </header>  
  40.         <article>  
  41.             <h1>  
  42.             My Article Post</h1>  
  43.             <p>  
  44.             I have written about articel in that is introduced In HTML5 and also written about  
  45.             area tag this is imaging feature of HTML5.</p>  
  46.             <aside style="font-size: larger; font-style: normal; color: green;">  
  47.                 <h1>  
  48.                 Technologies</h1>  
  49.                 <dl>  
  50.                     <dt>HTML5</dt>  
  51.                     <dd>  
  52.                     New Article Tag Introduced in HTML5</dd>  
  53.                 </dl>  
  54.             </aside>  
  55.         </article>  
  56.         <aside style="font-size: x-large; font-style: normal;">  
  57.             <h1>  
  58.     HyperText Markup Language</h1>  
  59.             <b>HTML5</b> is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology   
  60. f the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (originally created in 1990 and most recently   
  61. tandardized as HTML4 in 1997) and as of June 2011[update] was still under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers etc.).HTML5 is intended to subsume not only HTML4, but XHTML1 and DOM2HTML (particularly JavaScript) as well.  
  63.         </aside>  
  64.     </body>  
  65. </html>  

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