Mail App in Windows 10


People are waiting for Windows 10 very eagerly. The launch date for Windows 10 is 29th July 2015. Microsoft is making Windows 10 much better for its users. Microsoft has introduced many new features in Windows 10. Windows 10 is much faster, reliable and compatible compare to the previous versions of Windows. In Windows 10 many new apps were introduced, like Microsoft Edge (Project Spartan), Cortana, Xbox and many more. This article explains the Mail app in Windows 10. The Mail App is very functional, very fast and better to use. It is much better compared to the existing Windows 8 or 8.1.
Now I will explain how to use the Mail app in Windows 10.
Step 1
Go to your taskbar. There you will see the Cortana search bar, in Cortana search bar type mail. When you type mail into it then at the top of the results you will see the Mail Window app icon, just as in the following picture.

Mail App

Step 2
Now click on this Mail app icon. You will see a window as in the following picture. Here you can log in with your Microsoft account or you can use your other account for the login. Here you will see a button ready to go. Click on this button to go forward.

Choose Account

Here I go with my Microsoft account. When I click on the Ready to go button then we get a new window, just as in the following picture.

Opened mail app

Now you will see a settings option at the bottom of the screen on the left-hand side. When you click on this icon you will get a settings window in the right-hand side.


Step 3
Now when you click on the first option for accounts you will have that account from which you login. Here you also have the option to add another account. Just click on the Add account. When you click on the Add account option you will have a window like this.

Add Accounts

Here you have your desired account for using the mail service. Here I use my Gmail account for adding a new account. After inserting my id and password I got a window like this. In this window click on the Accept button.

Connecting a service

After clicking on the accept button, wait for a movement. You will then again see a new window, simply click on done in that window. Now your account will be successfully added.

Account Added successfully

Step 4
The second option in the settings is to change the background picture. Using this icon we simply change the background image. Just click on this link, browse to your picture and click on the Done button.

Background picture

Step 5
the next option in the Settings is Reading. Here we can manage those emails that are read by us. Here we can select the auto-open property for them. We can also use the marked property, in other words, those emails marked that we read already.


Step 6
The next setting is an option. In this section, we can manage the settings for our account. If we use a touch screen monitor then here we can manage the settings for our account. Here also we can manage the notifications settings.


Step 7
The next four settings are Help, Trust Center, Feedback and About. Help is used to help for any type of help regarding the mail services. Feedback is used to send feedback for the Windows center. The other two are Trust Center and About and they do not play any vital role in this service.
Step 8
Now we explain the left panel of the window. Here the first option is the New Mail. It is for composing or creating a new mail. When you click on this window, you get a panel for creating an mail. It looks like as in the following:

Compose mail

Here we have a taskbar above of it. In that first option is Format. The second is Insert, the third is options. In the Format option, we can select the format for the text, like bold, italic, headings and so on. The second option is Insert. We can insert an image, file, table, link and so on into our composed mail. The last (third) option, Options, is for selecting the language and check the spelling for our composed mail. At the corner of this window, we have the Discard and send a link.
Step 9
The next link in the left panel is the inbox. When we click on it, our entire inbox mail will be visible. We can click on any one and get a window like this.

Inbox mail

In this window, the task tab is for replying to that specific mailer, Forward is for forwarding the mail to our contacts, Archive is for moving that mail to the archive box, delete is for deleting that mail and there are many more options.
Step 10
In the following the inbox, the link has the Sent Items, Drafts, All Mail, and more options. In the sent mail we have the mail sent by us. In the Draft, we have the mails that we have saved for future use. In the All Mail option we can get a combination of all the mails, including inbox, sent mail, draft mail and so on. In the more option, we have various categories of mail just like the following picture.

Explore more option in mail

So this is the overall information for the Mail App in Windows 10. It works faster and it is easy to use for users. Here we can manage multiple accounts on a single screen. I hope users will like this app in Windows 10. So enjoy the mail app in Windows 10 and make your work easy.


In this article, we learned about the Mail App in Windows 10. 

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