How To Enable/Disable Hibernate in Windows 10


Now finally the wait is over, Microsoft launches Windows 10 on 29th July 2015. Every Windows lover has been waiting for it for a long time. Windows 10 is the final version of Windows. After it, Microsoft will not introduce a new version. If there is a need then Windows 10 will be updated from time to time depending on requirements.
When you install any build of Windows 10, there is no option available to hibernate. So this article explains how to make hibernate enabled and disabled in Windows 10.
If we want to make our system shut down then we have three main options, shut down, sleep. and hibernate. When we use the shut down then our system will shut down properly and everything is closed. If we use sleep mode then it consumes very little power and whenever we start our system again then it resumes the system quickly. One thing that is also noticeable is if you have not started your system for a long period in sleep mode and the battery drains then it saves your work automatically. Sleep mode works just like standby.
If we talk about for the Hibernate, it consumes less power compared to sleep mode. If you make your system hibernate and again start your PC then it resumes from the point at which you left your documents open. It saves your open documents on your hard disk and then shuts down our PC/Laptop. At this point, the system uses zero power from the battery.
Now we explain how to make the hibernate option enabled in Windows 10. So use the following procedure to enable the hibernate option.
Step 1
Open the Admin command prompt using the Start menu. When your admin command prompt is open you will see a command prompt window like this.
Figure 1:Admin Command Prompt
To enable hibernate please enter the following command at the admin command prompt and run it. "powercfg/h on". If you want to disable or turn off the hibernate option then enter the following command and run it. "powercfg/h off".
Step 2
Now here we will learn how to enable hibernate in Windows 10. So first run the powercfg/h on command in the command prompt. Then open the Control Panel in the icon view mode and choose the power option from there.
Figure 2:Power option in Control Panel
Step 3
Now when you open the Power option from the Control Panel you will see the window like this. Now from here choose the Change plan settings that are just in front of the high-performance radio button.
Figure 3:Change Plan Settings
Step 4
When you click on the Change Plan Settings, then corresponding to it a new window is opened just like the following picture.
Figure 4:Change Advanced Power Settings
In this window, you will see a drop-down list in which you have the time duration through which you can turn off your display after a specific period of time. At the bottom of this, you will see a link to change advanced power settings and restore default settings for this plan. So you click on the change advanced power settings. Then you have a new window.
Figure 5:Power option
Step 5
In this power options window, you will see a drop-down list in which you have three options. The first is Balanced, the second is High Performance Active and the third is Power Saver. So choose here Balanced, just as in the following picture.
 Figure 6:Choose Balanced
When you choose Balanced in its corresponding menu, you will see many options, like Hard disk, Internet Explorer, Desktop Background settings, Wireless Adapter settings and many more. Here you will also see an option for sleep. To expand this option where you will see something like this. Here you will see the first option, hibernate after Expand it also. When you expand it you have a setting (Minutes). Using it you can choose the time for the hibernate. So choose the time depending on your requirements.
Figure 7:Hibernate settings
Now click on the OK button. You have successfully enabled hibernate in Windows 10. If you want to disable it then follow the procedure but change the command as I said above.
So that is the basic procedure for enabling the hibernate option in Windows 10. I hope this article will be helpful for the readers to create the hibernate option.


In this article, we learned about How To Enable/Disable Hibernate in Windows 10.

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