Before proceeding with this article, I recommend you visit and study the following previous parts:
Here is the last part of Site Permissions in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 where I need to add two articles of Permission Levels 1 and 2 so that you may understand this article better.
Here we will see the permission settings of the parent site where we can view site permissions as Site Collection Administrators.
We can find the view of the permissions below. Let's explain all the features one by one.
Global Permission Settings
![Global Permission Settings]()
The following are the global permission tab features:
- Inheritance
An option to either Inherit Parent Permissions or provide Unique permissions to the site. Using Inherit permissions a sub-site can have the same level of permission as its parent or the top site and if you need it to have its own permission level you need to provide a unique permission to it.
- Grant Permissions
![Grant Permissions]()
Here you can grant permissions to users either directly or by assigning them to a group that already possess a level of permission.
Kindly refer to my article link to become familiar with this in more detail.
- Create Group
![Create Group]()
The preceding form provides a step to create a group in SharePoint.
- Name and Description for the group.
- Owner: Assign a owner to the group who will control all administrative access to the group settings.
- Group Settings:
There are two privileges to assign, the first is who can view the membership of the group. Which means who all can see who is in the group, either everyone or group members. Secondly, who can edit the member ship of the group? Such as who all can add or delete a user from the group, either Group Owners or group members.
- Membership Requests:
This specifies whether to allow users to request membership in this group and allow users to request to leave the group. All requests will be sent to the e-mail address specified. If auto-accept is enabled, users will automatically be added or removed when they make a request.
So we have an option to Allow requests to join/leave this group? Or Auto-accept requests? If no, you need to provide an email id.
- Provide Group Permission to the site:
You can assign group permissions to the group, this article of mine will help you to understand what level of permissions you require to assign according to your needs.
Thereby once completed you can create a group.
- Edit User Permissions
![Edit User Permissions]()
By editing user permissions you can select a user and choose one of the permissions from the list displayed above. So a user or a group can have multiple levels of permissions to the site.
- Remove User Permissions
After the selecting the group or a user, you can remove the permission of the user from the site using this feature.
- Check permissions
![Check permissions]()
Here if you want to understand what the various levels of permissions a user is holding through group or user level are, you can add their name and check the various levels of permissions it possess as in the screen above.
- Permission Levels
![Permission Levels]()
To understand all about the permission levels, check the following article of mine.
Permission Levels (Custom) in SharePoint 2013 & Office 365: Part 2
- Access Request Settings
![Access Request Settings]()
It provides an option to allow members to share the site and individual files and folders or it allows members to invite others to the site members group and an option to assign an email in the site if you want to request access to.
Here it is the last part of Office 365 SharePoint. You will enjoy reading.
Keep Learning. Cheers!