How do we remove the Start & Cancel Buttons on initiating a Nintex Workflow?I guess everyone is encountering an issue in Nintex Workflows where, when you add a workflow and publish it, the following Start and Cancel page opens.The good news is, it can be removed.Here is an example of a Nintex workflow created; you can see the Start and Cancel Button looks bad when we need a workflow without it being triggered manually.So let's see how to resolve it.When you create a workflow, go to Workflow Settings.Scroll down to the last row where you will find Form Type as Default. Change the Form Type To Custom, which will open a Start Page row, leave it as blank and click save.Once you save the workflow, Publish the workflow and you will satisy your requirements without the start page.Those who modify their workflows will receive the following dialog box. Submit the workflow with Overwriting existing version as checked.Hence our motive will be served, We will get a workflow without a Start Page. Cheers SharePoint.