Just like the App Store, Play Store and the Windows Marketplace we have the Office 365 store. This store is currently available in SharePoint and Outlook.
The same as all other stores, it has paid and free apps, most of them help us to perform our daily activities. You can find this app on your Outlook and SharePoint as in the following screen:
![office 365]()
On clicking it, you fill find yourself in the Office 365 Store.
Welcome to the store
![office store]()
You can find your apps based on the product as under the following:
- All
- Outlook
- SharePoint
Secondly, the apps are based on the following categories:
- Communication
- Content Management
- Editor's Picks
- Education
- Employee Interaction
- Financial Management
Now how will you use them?
As for my example, suppose I need a Google search app:
- I will select it from the store.
- I will open it.
- When you open it you will have an option marked in Green as “Add”.
- You can click on it and simply add that app. Just a click away.
![add that app]()
![custom review]()
The apps give you all information, as in product details, overviews and customer reviews. Thereby you can have all the information even before adding the app.
This new feature was necessary for allowing us to use the global apps using the Microsoft's product and also for enhancing the product features using these add-ons. So an amazing store using Microsoft helping us again in our daily activities.
Keep learning!