Welcome to an article on action Parallel Block in Nintex Workflows through SharePoint 2013 and Office 365. This article will display the action “Parallel Block” and how to configure it. Most of the times we need a parallel action to run when a condition is satisfied. This parallel blocks helps the workflow to run faster taking less period of time and making two or multiple instances happening at the same time. Let’s see how we’ll do it
Once the process is over the variable assigned above will store the value and if not it will wait for the parallel actions to get over. If the value becomes true for all the parallel action, the variable will store the value as True and move on to the next action. Here you can divide the actions in branches and let them execute as per your requirement as we can see the block is divided into two branches. You can add more number of branches to execute more parallel actions in your workflow. So in this article we saw about the Action: Parallel Block in Nintex Workflows. We’ll see more in my other articles. Until then, Keep learning!